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Northern Flicker

One northern flicker was found during this year's Christmas bird count. (photo courtesy of the Audubon Society)

On the next day of Christmas, nature gave to us, 268 Carolina Chickadees

The results of the Greene County Christmas Bird Count read like an ecstatic version of the 12 Days of Christmas, in which nature was so generous she continued well after the 12th day with 13 Eastern Towhees, 14 Eastern Bluebirds, 21 Northern Flickers, 72 Dark-eyed Juncos, 190 Rock Pigeons and on to 980 European Starlings.

The annual reporting event was organized by the Glen Helen Ecology Institute on Dec. 14. According to GHEI Director Nick Boutis, while many of the volunteer birding groups reported “a fairly slow day in the field … we were able to hit more sites within the count circle and ultimately found more species this year than ever before.”


Within the 15-mile count radius around Yellow Springs, including John Bryan State Park, Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve and other Greene County parks, the group saw 57 different species and a total count of 4,989 birds, twice as many as last year.

The complete list is as follows:

5: Great Blue Heron

11: Turkey Vulture

37: Black Vulture

370: Canada Goose

124: Mallard

200: Ring-Necked Duck

50: Hooded Merganser

3: Lesser Scaup

1: Northern Harrier

3: Sharp-shinned Hawk

3: Cooper’s Hawk

7: Red-shouldered Hawk

12: Red-tailed Hawk

3: American Kestrel

1: Pied-Billed Grebe

26 (CW): Sandhill Crane

190: Rock Pigeon

46: Mourning Dove

1: Eastern Screech-Owl

2 (CW): Great Horned Owl

10: Belted Kingfisher

1: Red-headed Woodpecker

74: Red-bellied Woodpecker

4: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

107: Downy Woodpecker

27: Hairy Woodpecker

21: Northern Flicker

14: Pileated Woodpecker

78: Blue Jay

589: American Crow

268: Carolina Chickadee

131: Tufted Titmouse

119: White-breasted Nuthatch

10: Brown Creeper

60: Carolina Wren

3: Winter Wren

8: Golden-crowned Kinglet

14: Eastern Bluebird

7: Hermit Thrush

411: American Robin

7: Northern Mockingbird

1: Gray Catbird

980: European Starling

8: Cedar Waxwing

13: Eastern Towhee

60: American Tree Sparrow

34: Song Sparrow

2: Swamp Sparrow

159: White-throated Sparrow

5: White-crowned Sparrow

72: Dark-eyed Junco

133: Northern Cardinal

35: Eastern Meadowlark

47: House Finch

26: Pine Siskin

126: American Goldfinch

230: House Sparrow

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