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  • Say it ain’t snow!

    Springtime beauties at Mills Lawn School were blanketed by unexpected snow. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    On March 23, weather over Yellow Springs gave one final frigid kick.

  • Spring soccer season kicks off soon

    The spring season for Yellow Springs Soccer Inc. will begin in April; teams are forming now, and those with kids interested in playing are encouraged to call a coordinator soon. Details below.

    Yellow Springs Soccer, Inc.’s spring soccer season kicks off in April at Morgan Fields.

  • Aaron’s Lens – Season’s Buddings

    Snowdrops and crocuses are today’s choice of image. Spring is a season of new beginnings, and the budding flowers that have begun to pop up can be seen as the official end of Winter and the start of a new cycle.

  • BLOG-Spring Sprouts

    Welcome, Spring! This week put considerable distance between us and the bitter cold we endured throughout February.

  • Springs bring busy bees

    The buzz is that spring’s finally here.

  • Glen hosts pancake breakfast and hikes this weekend

    The Glen will hold several community events this weekend, including the annual pancake breakfast and several spring hikes.

  • Need for drug task force in village eyed

    Ten years after first signing on with A.C.E. drug task force, Yellow Springs remains an active partner. However, the involvement of local police in the drug task force has become a topic of controversy.

  • Village Council — Sidewalk solution is elusive

    At its March 2 meeting, Village Council heard a presentation from Superintendent of Streets and Parks Jason Hamby on how best to address the current problem of subpar sidewalks. According to Hamby, the best path is to replace all Village sidewalks with new ones. “Only fixng the “troubled areas” is installing a Band-Aid on an […]

  • Riders welcome on the public bus

    Local resident Gene Lohman is one of about 65 Yellow Springs residents who ride the public bus that comes through the village about every 45 minutes during the weekdays. Anyone interested in a bus route tutorial and free trial ride is invited to sign up now for an event scheduled the week of April 13. The rides are sponsored by the local Climate Change group. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Village resident Gene Lohman loves the “flex” bus — Greene County’s public transit system. When he wants to get anywhere — from downtown to Xenia or Beavercreek — he simply puts himself at a place along the bus route and hails a ride.

  • YSHS’s ‘West Side Story’ sweeps you up

    The Jets of “West Side Story” starring from left, Duard Headley, Meredith Rowe, Bear Wright, Josh Seitz as Riff, Jonah Trillana, Ursula Kremer, Christina Brewer, David Walker, and in front, Sumayah Chappelle and Zoe Williams. The show opens this weekend at the Antioch College Foundry Theater. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The Yellow Springs High School thespians present the romantic tragedy “West Side Story”, based on “Romeo and Juliet” with a book by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.

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