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  • Snap a selfie with Jesus and Pilate

    Stars of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” Barry Dennen and Ted Neeley, will visit Yellow Springs for screenings of the film March 27–29 at the Little Art Theatre where they will answer questions and sign autographs. Dennen, left, played Pontius Pilate in the 1973 film; Neeley was in the role of Jesus. (Submitted photo)

    Just in time for Easter, locals will have the chance to snap a selfie with Jesus and Pontius Pilate. The stars who portrayed the Biblical figures in the 1973 film “Jesus Christ Superstar” will attend a weekend of screenings at the Little Art Theatre, March 27–29.

  • Planning Commission

    Monday, April 13, 2015

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Homegrown “peace project” aims to reduce conflict

    In its third year, Project Peace is teaching Mills Lawn Elementary School students to mediate their own conflicts through respectful communication and other strategies.

  • Talk municipal Internet at ‘Fiber Forum’

    Local organization Springs-Net, which is working toward bringing a municipal broadband network to Yellow Springs, will present a forum, “Building a Municipal Fiber Network in Yellow Springs,” on Saturday, April 25, 9 a.m.–1 p.m., at the Miami Valley Educational Computer Association.

  • Aaron’s Lens – A Spring Mural

    Winter is fading, and the freedom of Spring temperatures gives rise to numerous outdoor activities, such as crafting sidewalk chalk murals.

  • BLOG-Photo Finish

    “I’ll make the chili, you serve it.” He does the work, I get the glory.

  • West Side Story opens tonight

    Yellow Springs High School presents the spring musical “West Side Story” this weekend and next at the Antioch College Foundry Theater.

  • “Mixed race discussion and other stuff” rescheduled

    Current and former Yellow Springs High School students spoke about racism in the local schools and how to empower local black youth at a panel discussion April 21 at AU Midwest. Panelists are, from left, Teresa Bondurant-Wagner, Cameron Henderson, Hafiz Mensah, Taylor Beck and Edward Johnson. (photos by Megan Bachman)

    The 365 Project has rescheduled its “Mixed Race Discussion and Other Stuff” for Saturday, March 21, at 1 p.m. at Mills Lawn School.

  • Village Council— Landlords protest policy

    At Village Council’s March 2 meeting, local landlords made clear that they are not happy with a proposed policy change that would hold them responsible for their tenants’ unpaid utility bills. “Look at the cause and effect. Landlords will not expose themselves to this type of liability. You’ll get higher rents,” said Dean Pallotta. It’s […]

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