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  • Jordan captivates at YSAC show

    Antioch College student Jumana Snow will open an exhibit of her artwork at YSAC on June 26. (Submitted photo by Sarah G-Love)

    Antioch College Miller Fellow Jumana Snow is inviting the Yellow Springs community to take a voyage across the Middle East to her birth country, the kingdom of Jordan. No plane ticket or passport is required.

  • Spires of art and whimsy

    The Village of Yellow Springs Public Art Commission will award Tim and Kelley Callahan, here with their daughter Lucy, the first Village Inspiration and Design Award, or VIDA, on Friday, June 19, 8 p.m. at the YSAC Gallery. At their home on the corner of Corry Street and Glen View Road, the Callahans have built ever-changing stone piles, or cairns, for the last 20 years. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The mystical garden of rock forms balanced precariously in the yard of Tim and Kelley Callahan has a life of its own.

  • Harness power of the potty

    In his nine years as the Village Water and Wastewater Superintendent, Joe Bates has overseen a complete overhaul of the wastewater treatment plant and the near-complete redesign of a new water treatment plant, and ushered both facilities back into compliance with current Environmental Protection Agency standards.

  • Jane Hawes Norman

    Jane Hawes Norman

    Jane Hawes Norman, 77, went to Heaven on June 10, 2015, after a long series of illnesses.

  • 2016 tax budget

    On Monday, July 6th, Council for the Village of Yellow Springs will Consider Acceptance of the Finance Director’s 2016 Tax Budget for Submission to the Greene County Auditor.

  • Gaunt Park Pool Swim Lessons

    Session 1: July 6–17; Session 2: July 20–31

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Bid Request For Solid Waste Removal

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Water/wastewater treatment plant superintendent

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Tour straw bale, passive house with Green Drinks

    The YS Resilience Network local chapter of Green Drinks will meet on Wednesday, June 24, 6–8 p.m. for a tour of a straw bale home and a passive house.

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