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  • Rain can’t dampen Pride

    Several hundred villagers attended Saturday’s Yellow Springs Pride sidewalk parade.

  • Skate Park improved

    The concrete ramps in the foreground is phase one of the skate park improvements. (Photos by Suzanne Szempruch)

    Public Art Commission celebrated the completion of Phase One improvements to the YS Sk8 Park during Street Fair a few weeks ago. This past Sunday we had a break from the rain and the skate park was hopping just like downtown!

  • BLOG-Be You. Be Recognized.

    If we follow these rainbows, we’re destined to end up closer to our authentic center.

  • Special Olympics torch passes though Yellow Springs

    Captain Steve Lane of the Xenia Police Department ran the "Flame of Hope" through downtown Yellow Springs Thursday, as part of the long-standing Law Enforcement Torch Run fundraiser for the Ohio Special Olympics. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    The Special Olympics’ “Flame of Hope” was carried through Yellow Springs Thursday, June 25

  • Yellow Springs Pride steps out this weekend

    2015 Yellow Springs Pride takes place this weekend with a series of events.

  • Veteran ceramicists join YS Pottery

    In April Naysan McIlhargey and Lisa Wolters joined Yellow Springs Pottery as the 42-year-old co-op’s first new members in roughly 15 years. McIlhargey, who owns Miami Valley Pottery, crafts wood-fired functional stoneware and Wolters’ creates hanging wall plaques with inspirational messages. (Photo by Hope Houston)

    Two new potters are firing up Yellow Springs Pottery with an array of distinguished, decorative pieces and wood-fired, functional stoneware.

  • School board— District fundraiser job considered

    For the first time since devising the 2020 Strategic Plan five years ago, Yellow Springs school board members agreed to explore the possibility of using public funds to hire a professional fundraiser for the school district.

  • Civil Rights icon to address College

    Fifty years ago, in the spring of 1965, the Rev. Dr, Martin Luther King Jr. came to Yellow Springs to deliver the commencement address at Antioch College, the alma mater of his wife, Coretta Scott King.

  • Village Council— Mayor revamp off table

    Village Council will not propose changes to the mayor’s role in the upcoming charter revision, members said at this week’s Council work session.

  • Louis R. Michea III

    Louis R. Michea III

    Louis R. Michea III, of Fernandina Beach, Fla. and formerly of Marietta, Ga., passed away on June 10, 2015, surrounded by his loving family. He was 73 years old.

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