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  • A home that’s hard to leave

    Jeanne and Hardy Ballantine stand in front of the extensive library of their North Walnut Street home. The couple have lived in Yellow Springs since 1973 and are relocating to Amherst, Mass., to be closer to their three children. Despite the excitement of a new place, bidding goodbye to Yellow Springs isn’t easy. “We’ve spent most of our lives here,” Hardy said simply. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    How does one sum up what constitutes home? A place? A dictionary definition? A combination of family and comfort and growth? The term is as complex as the sensation it attempts to define.

  • What’s the buzz?

    submitted photo

    On Tuesday, Sept. 1, about 75 YSHS freshmen toured the Antioch College Farm and met with campus experts to learn firsthand about sustainable agriculture, farm-to-table programs, local food sourcing and beekeeping.

  • Longtime raptor caretaker retires

    Betty Ross with one of the Raptor Center’s permanent residents, a barn owl named Louie. Barn owls are not native to Ohio, but moved in after the forests were cleared for farming. After nearly 30 years as the Raptor Center’s director, Ross retired last month. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    A conservative estimate of the number of birds Betty Ross has handled in her nearly 30 years at the Raptor Center might be 4,500.

  • Antioch University reaches out digitally

    Michael Burns is finishing his undergraduate degree in creative writing through Antioch University Connected from his home near Phoenix, Ariz., Burns was drawn to Antioch for its legacy of social justice. (Submitted Photo)

    First there was Antioch College. Then came Antioch University and its satellite campuses. Now AU Connected has joined the Antioch universe.

  • Village Council Work Session

    Monday, Sept. 21, 2015, 6:30 p.m.

  • Village Council Special Meeting

    Monday, Sept. 21, 2015, 6 p.m.

  • RFP For Pool/surface Prep And Painting

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Utility dispute resolution board seeks candidates

    For service on the Village’s Utility Dispute Resolution Board

  • BLOG— Refusing to bend

    Suppleness, or its lack, is on my mind, and not just because the world is experiencing its annual arteriosclerosis. Change, any change, triggers in me a sort of panic.

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