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  • Going downhill: Cub Scouts hold annual Pinewood Derby

    The Yellow Springs Cub Scout Pace 578 held its annual Pinewood Derby on Monday, Feb. 22.

    The excitement was palpable as the Yellow Springs Cub Scout Pack 578 held its annual Pinewood Derby on Monday, Feb. 22, at the First Presbyterian Church.

  • BLOG-Behind the Mask

    We glam up and go to the Yellow Springs Montessori masquerade ball!

  • Out of Something, Nothing: My Summer as a Professional Mover, part 4

    All of the houses full of garbage, the horror of the surprise addition of an industrial-sized refrigerator to the move, almost dislocating your shoulder carrying a wardrobe up narrow stairs – the emotional impact of everything that happens on the job is intensified by the presence of your coworkers.

  • February 25, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Team Captain Olivia Chick won first in two events, the 100-yard and 200-yard freestyle, at last Friday’s district meet. She set a new YSHS record in the 200-yard freestyle event. At the same meet, Team Captain Aman Ngqakayi won first in the 100-yard breaststroke, breaking the one-minute barrier, and seventh in in the 100-yard freestyle. Other members of the team also showed a strong effort. This week, Chick and Ngqakayi advance to the state finals in Canton. (Submitted Photos)

    February 25, 2016 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • Bid request for sidewalk rehabilitation

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Public Meetings

    Village Of Yellow Springs

  • Feds deny testing waiver for Yellow Springs schools

    After months of delay, Ohio’s testing waiver application got turned down by the federal department of education recently, but the consortium of schools requesting the waiver — including Yellow Springs schools — is continuing the fight for fewer mandated state and federal tests and more forms of alternative assessment.

  • Sticky business at Flying Mouse Farms

    John DeWine of Flying Mouse Farms is busy these days boiling down hundreds of gallons of sap from some 650 taps of the farm’s maple trees to make maple syrup. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    John DeWine is busy these days boiling down hundreds of gallons of maple sap to make Flying Mouse Farms’ maple syrup.

  • Marilyn ‘Sally’ Mier

    Sally Mier, formerly of Yellow Springs passed away on Feb 23. A memorial will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs on Saturday, March 5 at 2 p.m. A full obituary will follow in next week’s news.

  • Utility service worker job opening

    Village Of Yellow Springs

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