The World House Choir will welcome new members in advance of a new program to be debuted in September.
World House Choir to welcome new members
- Published: June 27, 2016
The World House will welcome new singers on Monday, July 11, 7 p.m., in the Foundry Theater at Antioch College. The ever-growing choir, which is directed by Catherine Roma, describes itself as a “diverse, multi-cultural, mixed-voice choir whose repertoire is drawn from different traditions including world music, spirituals, gospel, folk, and peace and justice.”
In the upcoming months, the World House will present a concert called “Come Sit at the Welcome Table.” The concert’s program will feature a diverse repertoire, weaving together work from different singing traditions. Choir members will sing in Zulu, Hebrew, Spanish and English. The program will be presented twice in Yellow Springs on Sept. 8 and 9, in Dayton on Sept. 10. On Sept. 11, the program will be presented in Urbana in concert with Marianne Williamson, in observance of the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
The choir will also perform at the Wilmington College Westheimer Peace Symposium in early October, and take a break before performing in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January of 2017.
All are welcome to join. For more information, email worldhousechoir@gmail.com.
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