The annual AACW Blues Fest will return this year, with events held around town. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)
Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest to return
- Published: August 31, 2016
The annual AACW Blues, Jazz and Gospel Fest will return Thursday–Sunday, Sept. 8–11. The festivities will begin with Gospel Fest on Sept. 8, 7 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Joshua Ward, of Omega Baptist Church, and performances will include liturgical dance from Jeraldyne’s School of the Dance Ensemble and music from the 5YZ Men and the Central State University Gospel Ensemble.
On Friday, Sept. 9, “Blooz N Pomes” will be held at the Emporium, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The event will feature spoken word by area poets, accompanied by blues artists.
The Blues Fest will be held Sept. 10, beginnig at 1:30 p.m. with the “Recoloration Proclamation,” presented by John Sims at the Coretta Scott King Center at Antioch College. The festival itself will be held at John Bryan Center beginning at 2 p.m. with a festival bazaar and beer garden. At 3 p.m., a memorial service celebrating the life of festival founder Faith L. Patterson will be held. The music will kick off at 5 p.m., featuring Guy Davis and others.
The festivities will conclude on Sunday, Sept. 11, with Afro DixieRemixes and John Sims at 7 p.m. at the Coretta Scott King Center at Antioch College.
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