Albrecht Durer, "Two Hands Holding a Pair of Books." (Via Wikiart)
Library to provide space for NaNoWriMo
- Published: October 25, 2016
NaNoWriMo is just a week away! National Novel Writing Month begins on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Anyone who’s ever thought of writing a novel is encouraged to compose — a day and a word at a time — a 50,000-word novel during the 30-day march, er, month of November.
To help local writers taking part in this worldwide challenge, Yellow Springs Community Library will be providing quiet space every Tuesday night, from 6 to 8 p.m., throughout November. Coffee — the elixir of literature — and snacks will be on offer.
NaNoWriMo began among a group of friends “noveling” together in San Francisco in 1999 and has since blossomed into a worldwide movement. In 2015, there were over 431,000 participants on six continents. Over the years, some writers’ works have seen the light of day through conventional publication and self-published formats. Read more about the event here.
Happy noveling!
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