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  • Michael Finster Memorial

    Michael “Fin” Finster

    The family of Michael Finster would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of grief and compassion after Michael’s death, and are humbled to realize how many people knew and loved him.

  • Beloved Community aim is inclusion

    The Beloved Community Project seeks to address issues of poverty, hunger, racism, discrimination, inclusion, justice and peace within Yellow Springs. The next community event is planned Wednesday, April 19, beginning at 6 p.m. with a free meal, at the Presbyterian Church. Pictured at a recent gathering are Miriam Eckenrode Saari, Sommer McGuire and Beloved Community organizer the Rev. Aaron Saari. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    A group of Yellow Springs residents have launched The Beloved Community Project, with which they hope to address issues of poverty, hunger, racism, discrimination, inclusion, justice and peace within the village.

  • Economic Sustainability Commission

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • BLOG— Pleasure of simply looking

    Vincent van Gogh, "The Kingfisher," 1886. (Via Wikiart)

    We took the long way around Ellis Pond, stopping to observe a kingfisher pair. Big dark heads, a call like a rattle and wings that opened smartly as scissors. We looked for the Great Blue Heron, but didn’t see him — or her — solitary dweller in the stream and weeds.

  • Shred personal documents on Earth Day

    "Shred-It Yellow Springs" will be held Saturday, April 22.

    The YS Chamber will sponsor “Shred It Yellow Springs” on Saturday, April 22, in conjunction with the Glen Helen Earth Day Celebration, to help villagers protect against identity theft by safely disposing of paperwork.

  • BLOG-Magic Wand

    Exotic and elegantly scientific, sous vide comes home.

  • The Red Book cometh…

    When you start hearing and reading about the red book, you know spring will be here soon!

    The Red Book will be available beginning Thursday, April 13.

  • Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

    Monday, April 10, 2017, 7 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Citizens Against Mining to hold ice cream social

    Citizens Against Mining is holding an ice cream social and sign-making party on Sunday, April 9 at Young's. The group is concerned about the impact of a proposed mining expansion in Mad River Township, north of Yellow Springs, including to the ecology of the Mud Run, pictured here near Hagan Road.

    Citizens Against Mining is holding an ice cream social and sign-making party at Young’s Dairy this Sunday, April 9, from 1 to 3 p.m. The group opposes the expansion of mining operations in Mad River Township, just north of Yellow Springs.

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