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  • Lots of questions at police chief forum

    More than 60 villagers attended the May 30 public forum during which villagers asked questions of the three candidates for the position of police chief of Yellow Springs.

  • Portion of bike trail to close for brush clearing

    (Photo by Jamie Holly, courtesy wikipedia, CC BY-SA 2.0)

    Brush removal is scheduled to occur along the Little Miami Scenic Trail on Thursday, June 1, with hours yet to be determined.

  • BLOG-The Beauty of Bento

    No other cuisine quite captures the charm of Yellow Springs like this Japanese form.

  • MLS sixth-graders celebrated at annual “clap-out”

    Sixth-graders give low-fives to Kindergarteners at the annual sixth-grade "clap-out."

    On Friday, May 26, students, teachers and parents lined up throughout Mills Lawn Elementary School to wish a fond farewell to sixth-graders at the annual “clap-out.”

  • Q&A forum scheduled for YSPD police chief candidates

    The three candidates who have applied for the position of Yellow Springs chief of police are, from left, officers Dave Meister and Timothy Spradlin, and Interim Chief Brian Carlson. The search was limited to internal candidates. (Left and right: YS News archive photos; center: Submitted)

    The public is invited to attend an open forum featuring a question and answer session with all candidates for the position of Yellow Springs Chief of Police on Tuesday, May 30 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at the John Bryan Community Center.

  • Yellow Springs High School seniors reflect on past, future

    YSHS class of 2017 graduates on Thursday, May 25! In a special supplement to this week's News, seniors reflect on growing up in Yellow Springs and their plans for the future.

    Essays and photos from the Yellow Springs High School class of 2017 appear in a special supplement to this week’s News. Graduation is Thursday, May 25, at 7 p.m. Congratulations, all seniors!

  • Potential Mills Lawn School facilities site discussed

    Responding to public feedback following the recent school facilities forum, District Superintendent Mario Basora stated at last week’s school board meeting that “no decision has yet been made” regarding moving forward with new school facilities, as “all plans are transparently still under discussion.”

  • May 15 — Bulldog Sports Round-up

    YSHS track and field coach John Gudgel stood behind the podium in the YSHS gym on Monday evening at the spring sports banquet, where he gave parents, coaches and student athletes an overview of the track team’s accomplishments. Coach Isabelle Dierauer handed out individual awards to members of the team. Also represented at the banquet were the tennis, softball, baseball and McKinney track teams. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    As it often is, the gymnasium at Yellow Springs High School was recently a place of celebration and athletic good cheer.

  • Film explores caregiving, aging

    The Yellow Springs Senior Center and the Friends Care Community will present the documentary “Care” at the Little Art Theatre on Sunday, May 21, at 1 p.m. Edited by villager Jim Klein, the documentary follows the relationships between caregivers and their elderly patients, as well as the financial difficulties faced by patients and caregivers alike. (Submitted film still)

    Yellow Springs has hosted some weighty documentaries recently, and “Care,” the film showing this weekend at the Little Art, is no exception. And like last month’s village premier of “The Modern Jungle,” which was co-directed by an Antioch professor, “Care” also has a Yellow Springs connection.

  • Three candidates vie for Yellow Springs police chief

    The three candidates who have applied for the position of Yellow Springs chief of police are, from left, officers Dave Meister and Timothy Spradlin, and Interim Chief Brian Carlson. The search was limited to internal candidates. (Left and right: YS News archive photos; center: Submitted)

    Three candidates are in the running to become Yellow Spring’s next chief of police. Interim Chief Brian Carlson, Officer Dave Meister and Officer Timothy Spradlin have all applied for the position of permanent chief, which has been open since former Chief Dave Hale resigned four months ago.

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