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  • BLOG— A dozen Halloween nights

    James Abbott McNeill Whistler, "Nocturne: Black and Gold - The Fire Wheel," 1875. (Via the Tate, UK, licensed under Creative Commons)

    One of the pleasures of being an adult is recalling the pleasures of childhood. You might think that’s one of the bummers of being an adult — but remembering can be full of its own pleasure.

  • Yellow Springs News 2017 Voter’s Guide

    Precinct Map and polling location, 2017.

    This voter’s guide contains information about the local candidates and issues that will appear on the Nov. 7 ballot for Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents.

  • BLOG-Beautiful Confusion

    Our world is not crystal clear sharp but dizzy and dynamic.

  • Local man charged with assault

    A local man has been charged with felonious assault following an incident on South High Street on the afternoon of Wednesday, Oct. 26

  • Witnesses help stop reported attack on South High Street

    Yellow Springs residents helped stop an apparent attack on a woman yesterday, Oct. 25, in the 300 block of South High Street. Two women were reportedly attacked, with non-life-threatening injuries.

  • BLOG–Living Allah, Living Hijab

    Let’s take a significant step together to form relationships of mutuality and compassion between Muslims and non-Muslims in the greater-Dayton area. Saturday, 5 pm, First Presbyterian Church. Halal-friendly potluck, childcare available.

  • Raven Murie

    Raven Murie

    Raven Murie of Yellow Springs, died peacefully at Hospice of Dayton, following a 15-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

  • Restorative justice and Yellow Springs a good fit

    Villagers Jennifer Berman and Jalyn Roe were the organizing forces behind last year’s national conference on restorative justice, “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World.” (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    “Healing Harms in Today’s Troubled World,” the first Annual Community and Restorative Justice Symposium, will be held in the village, from Oct. 27 to 29.

  • Sinking feeling

    The first Bulldog Theater Festival kicks off this weekend with “The Last Lifeboat,” directed by Lorrie Sparrow-Knapp, which tells the story of the man who built, and then survived, the sinking of the Titanic. Shown above at a rehearsal are the principals, from left, top: Raina Kraus, Pete Freeman, Liam Hackett. Below: Keira Hendricks, Delia Hallett, Julia Hoff, and Elyah Naziri. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    This weekend and next, the McKinney and YSHS theater departments will present the first Bulldog Theater Festival.

  • Plan ends Yellow Springs High School class ranking

    Characterizing the calculations that determine class rankings as “unfair,” McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High School Principal Tim Krier laid out a plan at the Thursday, Oct. 12, school board meeting to discontinue the designation of a graduating valedictorian and salutatorian.

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