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  • Sights, sounds of fall Street Fair

    Dancers delighted Street Fair visitors on Corry Street on Saturday, Oct. 14.

    Enjoy a video from Saturday, Oct. 14’s fall Street Fair.

  • YS Zombie Walk returns for ninth year

    Zombie family Char Toms, Steve McQueen and Jayden Toms, left, roamed Corry Street in downtown Yellow Springs this past Saturday at the 8th annual family-friendly Zombie Walk. (Photos by Isaac Delamatre)

    The ninth annual YS Zombie Walk will be held Saturday, Oct. 28, with events beginning at 5 p.m. on Corry Street in downtown Yellow Springs.

  • BLOG-As Persephone Lingers

    She stands at the threshold between seasons and reinvents herself.

  • Asbury Shorts to return to Little Art

    The Asbury Shorts Concert 36th anniversary show will screen at the Little Art on Oct. 26.

    Asbury Shorts will return to the village, bringing the 36th Short Film Concert to the Little Art on Thursday, Oct. 26, beginning at 7 p.m.

  • Taking the knee, together

    Protesters at Saturday’s action took a knee and sang the national anthem while kneeling on one knee, a gesture of solidarity with NFL players who have done the same during the anthem. Pictured here, from left, are villagers Kelly Fox, Tina Fox, Dan Dixon, Maria Bakari, Sherry Walker and Aiysha Walker. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    At least 65 local protesters “took the knee” for racial justice last Saturday.

  • Donald E. Benning memorial

    An informal memorial service for Donald E. Benning will be held Sunday, Oct. 22, 2–4 p.m., at Central Chapel A.M.E. Church.

  • James Charles Partee

    James Charles Partee

    James Charles Partee was born Jan. 19, 1942, the third child of parents Lewis Partee and Doris Shook Partee. James was preceded in death by his two parents and two siblings, Gerry Partee and Philip Partee.

  • October 12, 2017 Bulldog Sports Round-up

    October 12, 2017 Bulldog Sports Round-up

  • BLOG–“Refugee 101” and “Muslim Community Voices” offerings by the BCP

    As the current administration continues to threaten immigrants, refugees, and Muslims, let us be proactive in our resistance. You can help by simply taking surveys, attending events, and participating in conversations aimed at future action.

  • Two veterans, one challenger for township trustee seats

    This week the News focuses on candidates for Miami Township Trustee — Mark Crockett, Don Hollister and Lamar Spracklen — who are running for the township’s two open seats.

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