

— Public Notice —

Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7 p.m.
Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center,
100 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387

1. Rezoning Application – Antioch College is applying for a map
amendment to rezone their property located at 117 East North College
Street – Parcel ID #F19000100090029400 from E-I, Educational
Institutions to R-C, High Density Residential for the construction of a
Pocket Neighborhood Development.
2. Conditional Use Application – Brittany Baum is applying for a
conditional use hearing to add outdoor patio seating in conjunction with
a permitted restaurant located at 134/138 Dayton Street – Parcel ID
#F19000100110022800 in the B-1, Central Business District.
3. Text Amendments -The Village of Yellow Springs is applying for
amendments to the zoning code to clarify minimum lot frontage
requirements, tiny homes on wheels, and to add driveway standards.
a. Amend Chapter 1226.11 Minor Subdivisions – to add formal
action by the Planning Commission in certain circumstances as
determined by the zoning administrator.
b. Amend Chapter 1260.02 (e) Minimum Lot Frontage – to clarify
the zoning code regarding minimum lot frontage requirements.
c. Amend Chapter 1260.03 (a) Parking and Storage – adding
driveway standards to the zoning code.
d. Amend Chapter 1260.04 (a) (13) Uses – striking driveway
setback language from this section of the zoning code.
e. Amend Chapter 1260.04 Uses – adding clarifying language
regarding tiny homes on wheels.

• Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update

• Antioch College Pocket Neighborhood Development
• Inclusionary Zoning

The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. The Council meeting is wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at clerk@vil.yellowsprings.oh.us.com for more information.


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