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  • Yellow Springs Development Corporation talks collaboration

    The Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, heard a presentation from a potential community partner; established a temporary, forgivable, business loan fund; and spent time in two executive sessions discussing separate real estate matters at its monthly meeting Tuesday, May 5, conducted through the Zoom video conferencing site.

  • Pomp and unusual circumstance

    The Class of 2020 graduated like no other before it, with a community parade and outdoor ceremony at Antioch University Midwest.

  • Wright State Archives collects pandemic memories

    Wright State University’s Special Collections and Archives is collecting journals and diaries documenting the pandemic, with the documents to be available for public research in the future.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education Special Meeting

  • Public Meetings


  • Election results now final

    The Greene County Board of Elections certified election results on May 19 from the extended March 17 primary election. With all valid votes now counted, the certified results are in line with the earlier uncertified results, announced April 28.

  • Varied views on mask rules

    Whether visitors and villagers are following those directives — and should be made to — has become a matter of local contention in recent weeks.

  • Antioch School‘s online learning curve

    Communities of all sizes and natures have had to redefine what it means to be together in the long weeks since the coronavirus pandemic has forced people to remain physically distant. The Antioch School community is no different in this regard, and has worked together — from a distance — to maintain the closeness at its core.

  • Pool to open on June 5

    Several hundred villagers and out-of-towners converged on the Gaunt Park pool on Monday, a sweltering hot Memorial Day. The pool was recently upgraded with $80,000 worth of repairs, according to Village Public Works Director Johnnie Burns. The Yellow Springs pool is now the only operating municipal swimming pool in Greene County. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The Gaunt Park Pool will be reopening this year, with some changes.

  • YSHS hosts “clap-out” parade, drive-in graduation

    A map of the route grads will take on their graduation car parade route.

    Yellow Springs High School will host a “drive-in” style graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020 on Wednesday, May 27. The special event will begin with a senior “clap-out” parade of Class of 2020 vehicles through the village, followed by an outdoor screening of the ceremony and presentation of diplomas to graduates in their vehicles. 

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