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  • Shirley Mullins’ 85th birthday celebrated

    Shirley Mullins 85th birthday was celebrated at a respectful distance by friends, neighbors and students on Wednesday, May 13.

    Friends, fans and and students celebrated the 85th birthday of longtime village resident, cellist and music educator Shirley Mullins Wednesday, May 13.

  • Yellow Springs police respond to drowning in the Glen

    According to Yellow Springs Police, at around 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 24, an officer responded to a call about an unresponsive male at the cascades at the Glen Helen Nature Preserve.

  • Permanent closure for Glen?

    Birch Creek cascades, five dry days later. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Sharen Neuhardt of the Antioch College Board of Trustees said this week that the college has no plans to reopen the 1,000-acre nature preserve it has owned since 1929.

  • Caution advised as stay-at-home restrictions lifted in Ohio

    Ohio’s stay-at-home restrictions have been lifted, but Ohioans are asked to exercise “personal responsibility and accountability to others” to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

  • A tribute to YSHS 2020 senior athletes: softball and baseball

    With the support of the Yellow Springs High School coaches, the News is highlighting all the spring sports senior athletes and their career accomplishments. This week, we complete our athlete profiles with the softball and baseball teams.

  • Request for Proposals

    Yellow Springs Exempted Village School District will be accepting proposals for Food Management Services for the district breakfast and lunch programs.

  • Survey measures interest in summer YS Youth Baseball

    The Sam and Eddie’s Open Books Braves beat the Peach’s Dodgers 17-11 in the Minor League post season tournament Saturday, July 28. At left, Henry Babb encouraged his teammates, “One more out!” Malini MIller batted for the Dodgers while Naima “D.J.” Jones was ready on the pitcher’s mound for the Braves. (photos by Robert Hasek)

    YS Youth Baseball, which had previously suspended activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has released a survey to determine interest in resuming the summer season in compliance with state guidelines.

  • Shutdown sparks surprises

    As the most strict shutdown phase has begun loosening for many Ohioans, the News asked a half dozen villagers this question: is there anything you’re learning during this period that is meaningful, or surprising?

  • New Mills Lawn principal named

    Yellow Springs Schools has tapped an elementary school principal with Cleveland public schools as the new principal at Mills Lawn Elementary.

  • Yellow Springs native tapped by Chicago Bears

    Ahmad Wagner’s athletic drive and discipline has landed him a spot on the roster of one of the most elite national professional football teams — the Chicago Bears.

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