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From left, submissions by Eric Clark, the Cromer-allin family, Laura Funderburg and Chris Wyatt.

2020 in six words or one picture

This year, as in years past, the YS News asked its readers to write a little something in response to a question about the year that’s ending. In this case, it was a very little something — we asked that writers confine their sentiments to only six words, as inspired by writer Larry Smith’s “Six-Word Memoir” concept.

It seems that community members — and readers from afar — were more than up to the challenge, and responded with a flurry of six-word gems (and photos) that encompass everything that was good and bad about 2020: the pandemic, spending time with family, the monumental election, and all that time we had to reflect.

Below are those responses. The staff of the YS News thanks every writer who contributed, and hope you enjoy the responses as much as we have.

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Hope Fear Loss Sorrow Anger Hope
—Megan Trolander

Relishing this time with my teenager.
—Jennifer Hubbuch

We Must Apologize for the Inconvenience …
—Jeremy Holtgrave

Prepared three-square; complain, if dare!!
—Sandy McHugh

Lockdown? I wish! This pesky job…
—Pam Nicodemus

The fascists took over. Nobody resisted.
—Les Groby

Dystopian Daze. Narcissistic Haze. Hope pays.
—Jerry Sutton

Mike DeWine, a gem among gravel!
—Jerry Sutton and Sandy McHugh

Connie Crocketts submission

Fight fight fight fight lose fight
—Charlie Cromer

Thank goodness I am an introvert.
—Marcia Wallgren

I’m now a breast cancer survivor.
—Bettina Solas

Tatooine dive bar without the band.
—Laura Curliss

Nervously awaiting the end of COVID…
—Kim Lawson

Missing family and friends in-person visits.
—Carol Cottom

A bubonic plague ruined my plans.
—Aaron Zaremsky

Locked in, think home as haven.
—Nancy Mellon

Got laid off but not sick.
Walked every street in Yellow Springs.
Waited whole life for social distancing.
Misses teaching but not grading essays.
—Frank Doden

Grateful to be in Yellow Springs.
—Gilah Pomeranz and Shep Anderson, Yellow Springs Hardware

No Zombies
Just bored to death
—Aurelia Blake

(keep going keep going keep going)
—Rebecca Kuder

Maybe I will do it tomorrow.
—Jim Spangler

Pam Nicodemus

Whaaaaaaaat the **** was that ?!?!?!?
—Tammy Harrington

Frustrated with people from our nation.
—Karen Gardner

I’ll be buying my own island.
—Mikki Boyer Vorpahl

Go to work … I’m a nurse.
—Paula Lazorski

Masks, disinfectant, Amazon boxes and fear.
—Becky Clark

I’m afraid to go to work.
—Holly Combs

Masks, isolation, creativity, online shopping, news
—Selwa Whitesell

Isolation. Miss seeing family and friends.
—Rebecca A Padgitt

“Oh, Baby, it’s a wild world.”
—Christina Check

Bad things happened to good people.
—Linda Rudawski

Even my cat takes Valium now.
—Jennifer White

Said Goodbye. 2 close friends. Cancer
Covid keep me from dancing? NEVER!
—Bette Kelley

Why is he not in jail?
—Louise Smith

In with Donald, out with Joe.
—Fred Bartenstein

Becky Chavez

Discovering the beauty of Ellis Park.
—Pat Peters

Coordinated COVID response from village leadership.
—Mayor Pam Conine

Life stagnated by concern and fear.
—Jerry Mahan

Office closed
No commute
Thanks, Tom’s!
—Connie Crockett

If you’re reading this you survived!
—Alpana Sharma

The hill you want to die on
—Volker Bahn

Thanks for coming to my TED-talk
—Chris Wyatt

Five, four, three, two, one….covid
—Macy Reynolds

Surreal, stressful, isolating, frightening, sad: RESIST!
—Paulette Olson

Remote e-learning: connection lost, remotely learning.
—Sarah Crompton

Inspired by youth seeking accountability, change.
—Carol Simmons

Pay attention kids, you’re living history!
—Matt Minde

Caryn Diamonds submission

Made a documentary about Malawi McDonald.
—Jack Burrows

Garden. White hair. Gratitude. Transitions, 2020.
—Chris Zurbuchen

Focusing on my family’s mental health.
—Chandra Jones-Graham

A year at home, it re-prioritizes.
—Eleanor McFarland Anderson

Waiting to exhale, sing, hug again.
—Lori Askeland

It’s been a long year.
—Sue T. Parker

Thanks for the memories, Yellow Springs.
—Karen Wintrow

Life lessons I never asked for.
—Lisa Wolters

Grateful with hope for the future …
—Joan Ackerman

2020 was what it’s all about
—Rick Donahoe

Dennie Eagleson

Short Street, it’s fine without doubt.
What day, week, month is it?
—Dan Carrigan

Guy who pushes rock up hill…
—Matthew Kirk

Will someone please change the record?
—Lavena Wolfe Lichtenfels

With great change comes great responsibility.
—Sarah Badger

May this be our wake-up call.
—Laryssa Ingebo-Blanzy

I see who you are now.
—Scott Osterholm

Justice even if it’s not you.
—Nancy Grigsby

Taking a step back for sanity.
—Sam Eckenrode

Revealed to be healed. Exhale. Inhale.
—Amy Rebekah

I can not afford to die.
—Romy Matlyn

Holy s**t just wear the mask.
—Spencer Pyles

I love my family more now.
—Eric Clark

Rest, reconnect, walk, cook, love, release.
—Tama Cathers

Oh, to hell with it already!
—Ashley Nicole Cylon

I am stronger than I thought.
—Kate Mooneyham

The best year of my life.
With every challenge there are gifts.
—Zo Van Eaton-Meister

Miles and Eliza Gilchrist

I apologize, my internet connection dropped.
—LayToya Herring

Pivot to virtual and keep doing.
—Dawn Renee Cooksey

Perseverance, cook, prep, cook, prep, cook.
—Jake Siemer

Outdoors is the healthiest place ever!
—Kathy Adams

January 20th can’t come soon enough.
—Susan Finster

His death left a deafening silence.
—Gery Deer

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
—Whitney Sykes

zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom
—Gabby Loomis-Amrhein

So tired of being stuck home.
—Monika R. Werling

I just want it to end.
—Nikki Bataille Lange

There’s no place like home.
—Susan Gray Miller

Only year I didn’t get sick.
—Christina Hipp

Enough with stuff, let’s start afresh.
—Tanya Ellenburg-Kimmet

Started OK, then bad, getting OK.
—Gary Coy

Hit bottom. Grief process. Rinse. Repeat.
—Gene Lohman

I’m tired of cooking every meal.
—Holly Combs

I am sorry for your loss.
—Amy Crawford

Family pull together but via Zoom.
—Amy Magnus

Not meant to teach children online.
—Cathleen Tong

masks, curfews, gloves, election, many deaths
It was the year I retired!
—Marg Kramer Powell

Patti Dallas and grandsons Ewan and Silas

Helping each other through hard times.
—Laura McDonald

Thank god for my backyard.
—Joyce Robinson

I want to isolate again, please.
—Holley Dee, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Learned new vocabulary: asynchronous instruction, Zoom.
—Ashley Miller Panama City, Fla.

Take one day at a time.
—Elizabeth Wilz, Kettering

Please God, is it over yet?
—Jean Van Smith, Kissimmee, Fla.

So many valuable lessons I’ve learned.
—Monica Bellant

Everyday waking up to Groundhog Day.
—Jacqueline Stauffer Clark

Lucky to be stuck with you.
—Lauren “Chuck” Shows

Six o’clock bells. Neighbors’ chiming faces.
—Audrey Hackett

They want to be at college.
—Becky Chavez

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One Response to “2020 in six words or one picture”

  1. Bob Jones says:

    Thank God we have a vaccine

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