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  • Public Meetings


  • Yellow Springs mask mandate to expire

    Do you still have to wear a mask in Yellow Springs? What if you are vaccinated? What if you are outside? Village Council tackled the matter at its May 17 regular meeting. Council decided to keep the downtown mask mandate until it expires on June 2, when Ohio lifts its state of emergency.

  • Wink on the wing

    An eastern screech owl seemed to be in on a little private joke with photographer Kathleen Galarza, who spotted the raptor across the street from the Yellow Springs Methodist Church last week.

  • Village Council— Outdoor drinking area draws flak

    Village Manager Josué Salmerón aired a proposal for a designated outdoor refreshment area, or DORA, in the downtown area at Council’s April 19 meeting.

  • Facilities survey— Many reluctant to hike taxes

    The results of a new survey that polled Yellow Springs school district voters about their views concerning local school facilities — and the anticipated $30 million to $35 million cost to undertake major renovations or build new — suggest a dilemma for district leaders.

  • Street art

    This spring, Mills Lawn School sixth graders continued an annual tradition — after a break last year — of painting a car. The “art car” tradition dates back to 2008, and for many of the years, the cars lent to the project have been one of Joe Ayers’ Toyota Camrys, as it is this year.

  • The Briar Patch— Zoning battles, a Mother’s Day story

    It is in the spirit of these Black mothers I say Happy Mother’s Day. Keep fighting the good fight for social justice and change.

  • Ordinance 2021-10

    Village Council Regular Meeting • Virtual Meeting • Monday, May 17, 2021

  • Donna Cottrell

    A celebration of life service for Donna Cottrell will be held Saturday, June 19, 2–4 p.m., at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs. The service will be held under a tent outside.

  • Ruth H. King

    Ruth H. King, formerly of Yellow Springs, died on May 11 in Wells, Maine.

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