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  • News from the Past — Memorial Day, 1958

    With two school bands, the American Legion and Legion Auxiliary, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts and Brownies made its traditional parade to Glen Forest Cemetery to hold Memorial Day services.

  • School board OK’s new K–12 plan

    The projected cost is about $35.5 million, though the district expects an eventual state reimbursement of 26%, more than $9.2 million.

  • COVID-19 update— State health orders end June 2

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    In Ohio, COVID-19 cases are falling. Vaccination eligibility is expanding. Masks are coming off. As a result, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced last week that most of the remaining health orders initially put in place last year will be lifted June 2.

  • ‘Please Stand By’— Play captures pandemic year

    “Please Stand By,” an approximately 60-minute work in one act, captures a year in the life of local students. But not just any year. The pandemic year, when previously normal life was put on hold, is the focus.

  • Planning Commission— Home approved for classes

    A conditional use application submitted by Theodora Stephan to build a 4,000-square-foot single-family dwelling with a large commercial kitchen for culinary classes and special dinner events was approved by the Village Planning Commission at its May 11 meeting.

  • YSHS 2021 graduation speakers— Finding direction amid atypical year

    Natalie Galarza and Kayla Ross were the two seniors chosen to speak for their class at Thursday evening’s Yellow Springs High School commencement ceremony.

  • May 27, 2021 — Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    The YSHS boys and girls track and field squads performed admirably at the Division III district meet held Saturday, May 22, at Northmont High School in Clayton.

  • Barron Conrad

    There will be a celebration of life in memory of Barron “Duke” Conrad on Saturday, May 29, 2–4 p.m., at Pleasant Grove Missionary Church Fellowship Hall — the building to the left of the church — located at 491 W. Enon Road. Loved ones are invited to drop by and share a memory with the family. Face masks are required per state mandate.

  • Stephen J. Scherr

    Stephen J. Scherr, resident of Yellow Springs from 1991 to 2008, passed away on May 18, 2021, in Woodbridge, Va., due to complications of pancreatic cancer.

  • Lance Jordan

    Lance Michael Jordan passed away on May 9, 2021. He was 78.

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