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COVID-19 update: YS Schools student cases decline, Ohio numbers up

• The numbers of Yellow Springs Schools students who have tested positive for COVID-19 or are in quarantine because of exposure to a positive case continue to go down. The most recent data from the school district, released Friday, Sept. 17, show three positive cases among the district’s students, down from five the week before and a high of seven on Sept. 3. None of the latest positive cases are due to school exposure, according to the district. Fourteen students and one teacher were in quarantine as of the most recent reporting. All but one were related to possible exposures outside of the school setting. The quarantine numbers are significantly fewer than the 28 students the week before. In a separate school setting, the Open Air Village preschool reportedly shut its doors temporarily after a student there was exposed to the virus.

• Statewide, the daily numbers of new cases increased from 5,568 on Monday, Sept. 13, to 8,447 on Friday, Sept. 17, and then fell over the weekend to 4,664 on Monday, Sept. 20. A casual look at the fluctuation in new daily case numbers shows a drop in reported cases most weekends, with the lowest numbers reported on Sunday and Monday most weeks. The seven-day average, also reported by the Ohio Department of Health, offers a steadier figure. The seven-day average for new cases was 6,722 on Monday, Sept. 13, and 6,844 on Monday, Sept. 20.

• Ohio’s per 100,000 figures over two weeks continue to rise, moving from 472.4 as of Sept. 2 to 582.4 on Sept. 9 to 683.3 on Sept. 16. In Greene County, the per 100,000 numbers have been decreasing, but remain higher than the state average. The county figures went from 909.8 per 100,000, reported Sept. 2, to 892.6 as of Sept. 9, to 777.8 on Sept. 16. High incidence is defined as more than 100 cases per 100,000.

• Weekly totals of new infections in the county continue to decrease gradually from a high of 997 over the last week in August, to a total of 588 new cases for the seven days of Tuesday, Sept. 14, through Monday, Sept. 20. The seven-day moving average in Greene County has also continued a gradual drop, from a high of 145.14 new cases per day average on Wednesday, Sept. 1 — the highest figure since December 2020 — to 91.86 Monday this week. Over the seven days of Sept. 14-20, the county added 22 hospitalizations, down from 28 the week before, and reported two deaths, compared to three the previous week and five the week before.

• Numbers for the 45387 ZIP code went up this past week after several weeks of gradually decreasing case numbers. The seven-day average of 7.71 on Monday, Sept. 13, rose to 9.43, Monday this week.

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2 Responses to “COVID-19 update: YS Schools student cases decline, Ohio numbers up”

  1. Getting Tested says:

    Ohio DOES NOT track breakthrough cases; (they do track hospitalizations and death) If you think you have a breakthrough case of Covid 19 some time after being fully vaccinated have yourself tested for free at a local pharmacy or online via test kit from local library. The 32 most common signs of breakthrough Covid can be found in this article, but apparently some of these symptoms continue to evolve too. If something feels ‘off’ get tested; at least you’ll know for sure. Stay Well!

  2. Cheryl Keen says:

    Carol, thanks for your good summary of the COVID stats!

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