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At its Tuesday, Sept. 14, meeting, the Yellow Springs Planning Commission approved the development of the former Miami Township fire station into a comedy club owned by villager and comedian Dave Chappelle. Chappelle's company, Iron Table Holdings, LLC, will renovate the building at 225 Corry St. into a club featuring a performance space and restaurant. (Architectural Rendering by Max Crome)

Yellow Springs Planning Commission approves Chappelle comedy club

It’s official: construction will soon be underway for local comedian Dave Chappelle’s planned comedy club and restaurant at 225 Corry St. The site was previously the Miami Township firehouse, and in homage, Chappelle has dubbed his future restaurant “Firehouse Eatery,” and the attached comedy club, “Live from YS.”

At its last regular meeting, on Tuesday, Sept. 15, Yellow Springs Planning Commission unanimously approved a conditional use application presented by the project’s architect, Max Crome, of Crome Architecture, on behalf of Chappelle’s company, Iron Table Holdings, LLC.

Located on 16,782 square feet, about a third of an acre, the building will feature a performance space with “intimate seating,” as described by Crome; a full bar and restaurant; and an outdoor patio. Per Crome’s design, the venue will have an estimated capacity of 140 people. The club sits along the Little Miami Scenic Trail and is situated in the Downtown Business District. The site’s B-1 zoning designation accommodates the plans to serve alcohol and food.

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The future club also abuts a Village-owned parking lot and a private medical office. It is also across the street from Kieth’s Alley, a single-family residence and Beatty Hughes Park. The Firehouse and Live from YS will operate as two separate businesses, though Crome said there may occasionally be joint events. The eatery will face the municipal parking lot, which also abuts Bentino’s Pizza and Subway, and will have two outdoor seating areas.

When renovations are completed, the exterior of the building will feature patios with waterproof canopies and outdoor heating that will provide outside seating throughout the seasons.

Commission member and Council liaison Laura Curliss moved to approve the development of the joint restaurant and comedy club upon the conditions that a variance must be sought from the YS Board of Zoning Appeals for consideration of the east side outdoor patio lot-line setback and for the club’s proposed neon sign depicting Chappelle’s “C” logo. She also stipulated that lighting and signing plans be approved by Zoning Administrator Denise Swinger, taking into consideration the comments that were made at the meeting.

Under these proposed conditions, the plan was unanimously approved by all five Planning Commission members: Curliss, Stephen Green, Susan Stiles, Frank Doden and Sarah Amend.
The building was sold to Iron Table Holdings through a deal put together by the Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, in December 2020, on behalf of the township for the purchase price of $424,000. The agreement occurred soon after the Miami Township fire station and trustees’ office relocated to a new facility on the south side of town.

(Architectural rendering by Max Crome Architecture)


Parking, traffic concerns addressed
Before beginning the presentation on the physical attributes of the submitted building plans, Crome addressed the issue of parking, citing ongoing concerns from some community members.

Crome said he performed an assessment of nearby parking lots on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night in late August. The assessment, according to Crome, revealed that most of the lots were one-third or less full around 7 p.m., the time he estimated that patrons would arrive for a show at the new venue. If parking becomes an issue, he added, the club could possibly run a shuttle from the parking lot at the Union Schoolhouse, which is also owned by Iron Table Holdings.

As part of the proposal, Crome commissioned a traffic study by LBJ, Inc., a traffic engineering company with corporate offices in Miamisburg. According to Tom Flask, an engineer with the company, strategically placed cameras counted the number of cars that passed through the intersection of Xenia Avenue and Corry Street on Fridays between 5 and 6 p.m. to assess traffic patterns. Considering the restaurant’s hours of operation and the study’s results, engineers concluded that traffic would have little impact. The impact of traffic on the club’s proposed open hours — 6 p.m. to 2 a.m., four days a week — was not mentioned during the meeting.

Crome said that hiring locally during the construction process will be a priority, telling the Planning Commission that Chappelle urged him to hire local subcontractors, as many as possible from Yellow Springs.

Other design plans include soft outdoor lighting that is intended to keep light pollution at a minimum, Crome said. Light pollution was a concern voiced by representatives of Glen Helen and residents across the street from the venue.

At the commission meeting, Dave Chappelle and architect Max Crome urged members to approve the conditional-use portions of his comedy club project. (Zoom screen capture)


Overwhelming support
Property owner Dave Chappelle appeared before the Commission via Zoom, and emphasized the cultural impact he believes the project would have on the community and the nation.

“The culture of this town is something of global import — I think the way that we treat each other in our community is an example for the rest of the country,” Chappelle said.

Chappelle said he believes the venue will draw entertainers from around the world, despite its relatively small size, and also pointed to the opportunities he intends to offer local artists via the venue.

“I’m not just trying to make a club, I’m trying to make a way,” he said. “I’m trying to make a venue for our local talents to be showcased … so we can shine and be all the great things that we hope to be.”

During the public hearing portion of the meeting, support for the venue was overwhelming across a broad spectrum of the community, from individual residents to local businesses and organizations.

WYSO Station Manager Luke Dennis voiced his support for the Firehouse project. The public radio station plans to move into Chappelle’s Union Schoolhouse property.

“There is a passing of the baton that’s happening right now — a handful of wealthy, older white men are no longer the dominant property owners in this town,” Dennis said.

Jamie Sharpe spoke on behalf of Downtown Business Association, or DBA. She reported that the 73-member DBA had distributed a survey to its member businesses in order to gauge business operator’s feelings on the proposed club.

“I’m happy to report that there was a unanimous, resounding support of the club,” she said. “We’re really happy to welcome Dave into our business community.”

The News, which is a member of the DBA, did not take a position for or against the project.

Two candidates for Village Council, Lindsay Burke and Issa Walker, were also on hand to express support, with Burke praising Chappelle and Crome. She expects that the club and restaurant will bring new jobs.

Walker, appearing at the virtual meeting from the same building as Chappelle, added his support to the project, saying the club would offer a platform for diverse cultural expression.

“I see this as a great opportunity for the growth of a younger, more diverse culture, which is a huge aspect of our community that I’ve seen dwindling over the years,” Walker said.

Opposition to the renovation did come from Mary Duckwall, who, with her husband, owns the property at 233 Corry St. adjacent to the site of the venue. In a letter to the commission, Duckwall wrote of concern about accidents and liability.

“If you approve this variance, I will be forced to gate the entrance to the parking lot [next door]. That is something I would rather not do for many reasons,” she wrote.

Concern about the project also came from Betty Kelley and Wayne Gulden, who live in a single-family home across the street from the firehouse. Crome met with them to discuss their anxieties over the build, which the couple said were mostly dispelled, though they still have concerns about parking.

After the approval of The Firehouse by the Commission, Swinger thanked staff for their work during the process.

“This is something Johnnie Burns, Josue and I have been working with Max on for well over a year, close to two years, so I am glad that this is finally happening,” she said.

In other Commission business, two conditional use applications were approved by the Commission: an accessory dwelling unit, or ADU, at 118 Marshall St.; and a bed and breakfast, located at 310 Dayton St.

The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled Tuesday, Oct. 12, at 7 p.m.

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40 Responses to “Yellow Springs Planning Commission approves Chappelle comedy club”

  1. Harry Henri Here says:

    I’d like to see Yellow Springs News get Dave Chappelle’s take on the Will Smith/Chris Rock debacle at the Oscar’s since comedy is coming to Yellow Springs. I admire Chris’s professionalism and was appalled that no one seemed to recognize a crime had been committed and simply comforted the perpetrator of the assault. (Also, I hope Will Smith gets the help he apparently needs to manage his emotions without physical outbursts)

    That said, what does all this mean for the future of Dave’s comedy club? Will some ‘jokes’ be excluded as too risky/sensitive? I think it a fair debate for the community to have now that it’s suddenly a hot topic and pertinent to the village’s future entertainment industry expansion.

    Looking forward to reading your report!

  2. Melvin Smith says:

    It was a really funny show. Thank them for it!

  3. Connie Everett says:

    This is fantastic. Dave is adding a new level of entertainment for the entore community. It will attract outside money, too. Bravo!

  4. Michelle says:

    I second that from Palm Beach County, and from YS in spirit.

  5. Now that’s what I’m talking bout!

  6. David Schiff says:

    Proud of YS. Proud he calls YS home. Never met Dave but sang and performed with his dad Bill many times. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Congratulations to putting a good spot to good use, Dave.

  7. I always admire purposeful people who develop in their field, creating something unique. I can say that it is an absolutely incredible project which carries a great Idea to develop the comedy sphere and, maybe, even take it to a new level in some way, opening up new talents to the country. It is a huge opportunity to fulfill their capacity and give them an opportunity to shine. Also, it is so cool that this construction will be so multifunctional, providing people with a great comfort. It is respectful that Dave Chappelle wants to minimize any harmful effect which his building can have and that the traffic concerns have been resolved. It seems to me that this project is really prospective and beneficial and that it will have a triumph without leaving anyone indifferent.

  8. Cliff T says:

    First, let me say “Thank You” to Dave for caring about the ongoing viability of the village for generations to come.

    I am going to address a couple of prior comments regarding drinking and aging. Yes, people can recognize a problem at any age and certainly older adults face increased risk especially of falling and because of medications and other health issues when combined with alcohol. And there are enough differences in concerns between the under 45 groups (which basic AA meetings are made of) and older persons who face alcohol issues that it may present an obstacle to fitting in. Please look at “Facts About Aging and Alcohol” at

    Personally, I have known older adults to get into trouble with alcohol use because they lack support or knowledge of the problem. Some believe ‘wine’ not to be a problem; yet, it,too, is alcohol. May those who have sobriety be happily able to keep it and those seniors who need help have resources available to allow their senior years to be sober and happy enough to not miss a thing! Love to you All in Peace and Understanding.

  9. Emmy Ward says:

    The ghost in the machine has spoken.

    Outstanding Guest Actor In A Comedy Series – 2021…..drumroll…..He looks particularly handsome in the photo! Our own….

    Also please wish Chris Rock a speedy recovery. Get better soon!

  10. Tiffany Simpson says:

    Mastermind!! Smart, Intelligent, and Continuously looks for ways to not only bring individuals together, but provide Opportunities for others!! You Have My Support Dave, All The Way From Palm Beach County, Florida!!

  11. Al JEROM says:

    This is so nice and creative. Can’t wait

  12. Clarence Price says:

    When someone of his status attempts to make your city better and there are those negative individuals who don’t understand the impact of what’s being brought to help development of the area you don’t waste your time with those people because infrastructure will never grow if you had to listen to them.

  13. Moe Better says:

    Please establish some “seniors for sobriety” groups at senior centers or elsewhere for older persons in recovery who would like to be with other older recovering persons discussing issues that they can relate to rather than taking selfies and posting to tic tok. This is a terrifically under served population; and vitally important to the health and well being of an entire community. Where are “Seniors In Sobriety” groups locally????? Please help facilitate a remedy to this overlooked age group. Now is the time.

  14. M. Yvette Darden says:

    I’m so glad I came across this article. It’s delicious news! A perfect reason to drive down to Yellow Springs while visiting my Alma Mater, Central State University, and be in the land where ‘Freedom Rings’. Thanks Dave Chappell❣️

  15. Keep It Simple says:

    Hallelujah! I have found an age appropriate resource and strongly encourage like minded others to establish some local meetings addressing a too often overlooked need!

    And Thank you, Dave, for your commitment and generosity!

  16. Jan says:

    YOUR town? YOUR false sense of privileged entitlement is screaming.

  17. Jun says:

    Congratulations to Mr. Chappelle and YS. I once lived in nearby fairborn for a few months and had much good times visiting YS. Now with this new venue, I will definitely look forward for another visit to YS.

    Jun from

  18. Laura says:

    He’s the best thing that ever happened to Ohio and YS in my opinion.

  19. Jon says:

    WTF you talking about?

  20. I will be 1 of the 1st Open Mic Comics.
    Thank u so much Dave Chaopelle.
    May GOD BLESS this Business
    ~Just Charlotta~

  21. Suzanne says:

    I would love to leave my 26 year education job to come work for you as a manager.

  22. Who is booking the room?

  23. Pamela says:

    I can’t wait! Road Trip

  24. Samuel Smith says:

    How much with dinner and ticket .

  25. Belfred Battleaxe says:

    They’re already in there working away! We drove through the village on this sunny day and lots of people wore masks so that was good to see that they’re looking out for one another. I finally saw the mural in the alley; it’s big! and nice. I couldn’t tell who the two brown faces were because we didn’t stop; but it kinda looked like John Legend from a glance, is it? Anyway, Dave, lots of folk in town appreciate what you are doing and I do too. I live close enough that I’m hoping the booming Springs will add to my property’s value when we’re ready to sale. What is it that ol’ white men like to say-“a rising tide lifts all boats” Chhha ….chaa… Ching! Love ya!

  26. Shakila says:

    This is PHENOMENAL!!!
    Way to go Dave

  27. David Easter says:

    It’s nice to see that you’re willing to get back to your community not very many entertainers actually do that

  28. Always Inspire says:

    Antioch College and all it represented towards making the world a better place was once the big draw to Yellow Springs. Over time enrollment declined. It now appears that the village itself has become “the place” of ‘higher learning,’ and Mr. Chapelle its new Head Master with a plan to keep YSO a shining beacon of hope by example for decades to come. Peace, Love, & Good Health. Always.

  29. Janice says:

    As a long time resident of this small town I hope Dave remains on top of his game. I’d hate to see all this hype around one person come crashing down leaving this town in shambles if he decided it all to much and he heads to Africa again. WINK WINK. I always thought he liked the way we respected his privacy. I don’t think he is giving my town the same the respect.

  30. Leland Hennings says:

    This will be an awesome venue for the area super productive and a great addition For supporting all the other businesses in the area.

  31. Dorothy T Jones says:

    I just need to know as soon as I can get a tix and dinner

  32. Cricket Ellis says:

    Dave, I’m very excited for you in this endeavor! I think it WILL be great for those future entertainers, in a cultural diverse space, to show OUR country that we ALL can work together. I know business is business but, I feel your heart is in the right place.

  33. Hasna wood says:

    Proud of you Dave. Way to go.

  34. Christine Harris says:

    Hope I can visit. Sounds awesome!!!

  35. Big Fans of yours Dave Chappelle here in Cincinnati. I’d love to provide live music for your grand opening and any event or night you require live music. We play original, Standards, R & B and more.

  36. Sarah Noyea says:

    I can’t wait to attend! I’m so proud of Dave and Yellow Springs for being the example for the nation! I live in the City of Dayton and am a HUGE fan.. I don’t believe that patrons who will be able to actually feequeny the venue will be of much concern. Dave’s vibe just screams inclusiveness and acceptance so I’m sure the beautiful city will certainly benefit in the end. Chapelle brings nothing but love an it rubs off on his fans.

  37. Marlene says:

    Awesome can’t wait to visit

  38. Jonathan says:

    Im a cook when will they be hiring.

  39. Erica Roby says:

    This is great news all around!

  40. Devon says:

    I love it more entertainment

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