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  • Detlef J. Frank

    Detlef Johann E. Frank

    A commemoration of life for Detlef J. Frank, who died Nov. 28, 2021, will be held on Sunday, May 1, 1–4 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Brewery Barrel Room.

  • Brian Robles

    A rescheduled celebration of life will be held for long-time Yellow Springs resident Roger Cranos on Saturday, July 2, at 2 p.m. at the Glen Helen Vernet Building. For more information and to share photos and memories of Roger, visit

  • Roger Cranos

    A rescheduled celebration of life will be held for long-time Yellow Springs resident Roger Cranos on Saturday, July 2, at 2 p.m. at the Glen Helen Vernet Building. For more information and to share photos and memories of Roger, visit

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education Agenda

    Yellow Springs Board of Education Agenda

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Village Council Agenda

    Village Council Agenda

  • Yellow Springs News wins again at Hooper Awards

    For the 12th year in a row, the Yellow Springs News won the top prize at an annual state competition for weekly newspapers.

  • Request for Proposal | Facilities Maintenance Plan Advisor

    The Yellow Springs Exempted Village School District is requesting proposals for Maintenance Plan Advisor for the district’s school facilities.

  • Six months of living in the Glen Cottages

    Six months in, the residents of Glen Cottages are beginning to feel at home. Inspired by the Bowen housing needs assessment, the project’s goal was to “fill the gaps” in the village’s housing needs. The total project cost approximately $2.29 million.

  • Emergent Verse | Sonorous Sibilants

    Banner for column "Emergent Verse" by Ed Davis

    “Poets love form — even free-versers like me, who let go of strictly prescribed numbers of syllables in each line (meter), number of lines (like sonnets, villanelles) and rhyme schemes.”

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