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  • Big gains at Posterior Chain gym

    Owner and operator of the aptly named Posterior Chain, LLC, Truitt recently moved his personal training operation into a new space: a multi-room suite in a former Bushworks building on Cliff Street.

  • Village Council becomes fiscal sponsor for Chamber

    At the April 4 Village Council meeting, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council members unanimously voted to become the fiscal sponsor for the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce.

  • Yellow Springs celebrates Transgender Day of Visibility

    The message relayed through the village’s first Transgender Day of Visibility Celebration, or TDOV, held at the Coretta Scott King Center on Antioch’s campus on March 31 was clear: There is love and support for transgender people here in Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council discusses public records, conduct

    At its regular April 4 meeting, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council members discussed the possibility of charging individuals for public records that are costly to the Village.

  • A violin unlike any other

    Amanda Ewing is working to produce a violin for Anne Harris — the first such instrument produced by a Black woman luthier for a Black woman fiddle player in recorded history.

  • Mary’s Way construction stalled

    Mary’s Way, named after the late Mary Donahoe, covers land that was donated by Derick Donahoe, land on Agraria’s property and land purchased from Yellow Springs School District by the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • April 14, 2022 | Bulldog Sports Round-Up

    The 2022 tennis season is underway, but weather has been a factor in getting in the scheduled matches. As of early this week, the team was 2–2, having faced formidable opponents as well as a surprise attack from Legacy Christian.

  • COVID Update | April 14, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The CDC now recommends that those who are immunocompromised and/or 50 years of age or older get an additional booster shot four months after their first booster.

  • Bradd Bateman

    Bradd Bateman, of Xenia, died April 3, 2022, after a long battle with cancer, which he handled with grace and perseverance. He was 56.

  • Michael Aloys Reichert

    Michael Aloys Reichert, age 61, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, passed away Sunday, April 3, 2022.

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