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  • Yellow Springs Board of Education | Facilities Committee Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board of Education | Facilities Committee Meeting

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Planning Commission reviews ‘Spring Meadows’

    Miamisburg-based development company DDC Management LLC presented a preliminary plat application for a 92-lot subdivision to the Yellow Springs Planning Commission during the commission’s most recent meeting Tuesday, April 12, conducted online via Zoom.

  • YS school board considers levies timing

    Yellow Springs school district Treasurer Jay McGrath told school board members during their last regular meeting that now is the time to start thinking about what they want to do about the current permanent improvement levy that expires at the end of 2023.

  • Village Council sets new social media rules

    At its regular Monday, April 18 meeting, the first in-person meeting in months, Village Council unanimously passed legislation adopting rules for Council members wanting to engage online.

  • Dave Chappelle seeks more outdoor shows

    A request to allow another ticketed series of summertime outdoor shows to be hosted by comedian Dave Chappelle at the Wirrig family’s pavilion, just north of the village, will go before the Miami Township Board of Zoning Appeals, or BZA, on Thursday evening, April 28.

  • My Name Is Iden | Crutches

    My Name is Iden

    “So what’s the answer? How do you remove a stigma that is as deeply rooted as the one against mental illness? My advice is the same advice I always give. Start with yourself.”

  • Ohio voters face split primary

    Absentee and early voting for Ohio’s May 3 primary election opened on schedule Tuesday, April 5, but not all contested races are on the ballot, as the state’s redistricting efforts continue to face legal challenges.

  • News from the Past: March & April 2022

    74 years ago, in 1947, a radio was stolen. “‘Please bring our radio back,’ pleaded the third grade pupils of Dayton Street School Wednesday. A thief had taken away their prized new radio during the night.”

  • New pastor at Methodist Church

    Latoya Warren, a native of Dayton, was appointed to head the 185-year-old church last month after the departure of Rick Jones, who had served as pastor since 2015. Jones is now pastoring Oakwood United Methodist Church.

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