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  • Village Council passes 2023 budget

    At its final meeting of 2022 on Dec. 19, Village Council members passed the 2023 budget, which included an additional $40,000 for affordable housing and investments in the Public Works department, including money for additional personnel and wage increases.

  • My Name Is Iden | 12 months of being honest

    My Name is Iden

    “It was exhilarating for Iden that first day that I stepped out into the sun. At last, my suffering was over. At last, my pain was behind me. Or so I thought.”

  • Facilities Committee | What might renovation cost?

    That question had more than one answer for committee and community members present at the meeting, as architect Mike Ruetschle and Michael Murdock, of maintenance plan advisor firm Motz Engineering, laid out two potential directions for the committee and, ultimately, the school board to consider.

  • Village Council finalizes 2023 budget priorities

    On Friday, Dec. 9, members of Village Council met for a fourth budget session, where they named infrastructure as a major budget priority for 2023.

  • Josephine Townsend

    Josephine Catherine Yarger Townsend died peacefully in Dayton on Dec. 11 at age 99.

  • ‘Rising Holistic’ | Healing, wellness center opens

    In early December, villagers Jessica Holihan and Shaun Craig opened a new location for their holistic arts practice, Rising Holistic, at 144 Cliff St.

  • News from the Past: November & December 2022

    In the winter of 1963, villagers wrapped in their warmest garb gathered downtown on Short Street to visit the man in red himself, who patiently listened to holiday wishes and handed out candy canes.

  • Kingwood solar project application denied

    Australian company, Lendlease, has been approaching landowners in the rural area between Yellow Springs, Clifton and Cedarville for longterm leases to build a 175-megawatt utility-scale solar array. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Ohio Power Siting Board, or OPSB, has denied the application of Texas-based Vesper Energy to establish the 1,500-acre Kingwood solar project in Greene County.

  • Public Meetings

    Public Meetings

  • Village Council Agenda

    Village Council Agenda • Monday, Dec. 19, 2022, 7 p.m.

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