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Antioch College

This week, Antioch College announced that it will list some of its buildings and properties for sale or lease. Above is a map the college shared as part of a press release announcing the decision. According to the release, the areas outlined in red indicate properties that are "surplus to college business." Yellow zones refer to properties that require "more analysis and thought," and properties outlined in green are part of the college's "core footprint." The release also stated that the indicators on the map are "examples but not final decisions." (Note that the red properties on the southern portion of the map are the property of Glen Helen and not included in the college's recent announcement.)(Map data courtesy of Antioch College)

Antioch College to sell, lease properties

On Tuesday, Aug. 22, Antioch College announced in a press release that it will list some of its land and buildings for lease or sale.

According to the release, the decision is part of the college’s Social Enterprise and Enrollment, or SEE, Plan, which “includes rescaling the college for today’s students.”

“With the incoming class among the largest since the fall of 2020, our strategic decision to sell or lease surplus assets also supports the college’s ongoing success [and] sustainability,” the release reads.

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The release indicated that buildings included on the list of those that will eventually be up for sale or lease include the Sontag-Fels building, West Hall and the Kettering Building, as well as two parcels on the corner of Livermore and East North College streets, with a total of 16 parcels and 6.65 acres to become available. Additionally the college is currently exploring options for student dormitory building Case Commons, the release stated.

“The land and buildings being listed are mostly unused, with the college incurring large costs to maintain them,” Board of Trustees Chair Shelby Chestnut stated in the release. “[W]e want to be responsible in our land ownership by sharing these precious assets for the greater good.”

According to the state auditor’s website, the college has already made one recent property sale: On Aug. 15, Antioch sold a lot adjacent to the Children’s Center at the corner of East Limestone and Corry streets to Iron Table Holdings LLC, Dave Chappelle’s development company.

A map included with the release also includes the Union Building on President Street and the Coretta Scott King Center as needing “more analysis and thought”; the release states that the college is “committed to the legacy of the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom in its current location.”

Click here for a high resolution rendering of the map.

A key included with the map indicates that remaining buildings and parcels will serve as the “college core footprint.” These include the Antioch Farm and Geothermal Field and Food Forest, the solar field, the tennis courts, the Miles Budd Goodman Amphitheater, the Wellness Center, Olive Kettering Library, the Central Geothermal Plant, the Art and Science Building, the Sculpture Annex, the Fine Arts Building, the Foundry Theater, McGregor Hall, South Hall and Herndon Gallery, the Jarco Building, Antioch Hall, Spalt Hall, North Hall, the Pennell House, Weston Hall, Birch Hall, Rockford Chapel, the Folkmanis House, the main lawn and the “horseshoe.”

“From our strategic plan we identified the need to operationalize and create a functional business plan, which resulted in our Board endorsing a laser focus on social enterprise and enrollment,” Antioch President Jane Fernandes stated in the release. “Our work today will provide relief from being weighed down by too much land and too many buildings. This is a critical step for Antioch College, both as an institution, and as a good neighbor.”

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4 Responses to “Antioch College to sell, lease properties”

  1. Reed Alexander says:

    The reason why Antioch continues to be in a financial crisis and can’t increase enrollment is simple. It has an outdated curriculum that only focuses on social justice. It has little relevance to skills and competencies employers are looking for in today’s labor market. Parents and families don’t want to pay $48,000 for their kids to go to an indoctrination camp.

  2. John Brennan says:

    My understanding is that when the college shut down the first time it was found in the original charter that the campus grounds could not be sold. The land would go back to the Trust of the land provider. It was questioned if this is the reason the deal of Antioch University acquiring Antioch College was stopped and the Alumni were able to buy.

  3. This appears to be yet another move made on the basis that the college cannot maintain adequate enrollment. The land and building assets would become essential to a fully restored Antioch College. Leasing is more advisable than selling because if the college chooses organizations or business entities that could help provide valuable academic or COOP experience to students such moves could draw further enrollment. The fact that the college cannot develop its own resources merely points to the weakness of trustee leadership to fully restore the campus, and bring realistic enrollments.

  4. C Mark Blatchley says:

    Going to need new homes for the Volunteer Work Crew (West) and its workshop(former Maples Garage). Particularly considering the in kind contribution this group makes each year.

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