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Articles About Antioch College Board of Trustees

  • Antioch College to sell, lease properties

    On Tuesday, Aug. 22, Antioch College announced in a press release that it will list some of its land and buildings for lease or sale.

  • Roosevelt to leave Antioch College in December

    Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt addressed a capacity crowd on campus Tuesday afternoon with the news that he will be stepping down in December of this year, when his contract expires. He says he “will have finished” what he tried to do. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    At a meeting attended by several hundred in the Antioch College community on Tuesday, May 5, College President Mark Roosevelt announced that he will no longer lead the college when his five-year contract expires at the end of 2015.

  • Roosevelt envisions ‘Antioch village’

    As the only liberal arts college in the country in the process of starting up, Antioch College must find new and better ways of operating, and the village of Yellow Springs could play a pivotal role.

  • New chair for board

    The Antioch College Board of Trustees this week appointed Frances Degen Horowitz, ’54, as board chair, replacing Lee Morgan, ’66. Morgan will remain on the board as vice-chair, according to a press release, but will focus on fundraising.

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