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Yellow Springs precinct map and polling locations. Click on the map to enlarge.

Yellow Springs precinct map and polling locations. Click on the map to enlarge.

Yellow Springs precinct map polling locations


Click here to view the YS News Voters Guide

All village voters living in precincts 440, 441, 442 and 443, and Miami Township residents living in precinct 456, will vote in Antioch University Midwest’s multipurpose room. Antioch University Midwest is located at 900 Dayton St.

Yellow Springs. Precinct 440 consists of most of the north side of town, and Precinct 441 includes the western part of Yellow Springs. Precinct 442 consists of much of the cen tral areas of the village and downtown. Precinct 443 includes the south end of Yellow Springs. Precinct 456 includes the western portion of Miami Township that surrounds Yellow Springs.

Voters in Miami Township precinct 455, which includes the eastern part of the township, will vote at Cedar Land Event Center, located at 200 Parkview Lane in Cedarville. Voting times and dates remain the same as in recent years.

Polls will be open on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 6:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m.

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