May 1955: “The annual May program of the local school last Friday, held on the elementary school lawn, saw sixth grade students wind the traditional May pole. At right, Mayor Leo Hughes crowns the May Queen, Rose White. A Bryan senior, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer White.” (YS News archives)
News from the Past: May 2024
- Published: June 27, 2024
Compiled by Don Hollister
10 years ago: 2014
Antioch Wellness Center to open. “Nearing the end of its $8 million, year-long renovation, the new Antioch College Wellness Center will have an abundance of light. … It’s a place where students and villagers, the old, the young and all in between will be welcome.”
Village tackles water system. “One of the filters at the Village drinking water plant failed last month. The malfunction is being repaired at a minor cost to the Village. … But to Village Water and Wastewater Superintendent Joe Bates, the filter breakdown is characteristic of the poor state of the drinking water plant that has not had a major upgrade since it was built in 1964.”
Police Report. “On May 22, a caller reported sounds of a female screaming in the West Whiteman Street area. Police found that the resident was having difficulty separating two fighting dogs. No injuries were reported. … On Friday, May 23, a caller reported that a chicken was running loose in the Shawnee Drive neighborhood. … On May 24, a caller reported that an elderly woman was wandering outside Tom’s Market and appeared to be lost. Police spoke to the woman and helped her to get home.”
25 years ago: 1999
Affordable housing focus of Plan board, Council. “The Village should require that all new housing developments include a certain percentage of affordable housing, Planning Commission member Steve Heckart told Council. … ’In-filling’ of housing, such as adding flag lots and ‘mother-in-law residences,’ … could also add a little to the housing stock ‘over time,’ said Council member Don Hollister.”
Yellow Springs Station to open. “Besides public restrooms, the new station will house the Chamber of Commerce office. The Chamber will pay $300 monthly rent plus a share of utilities, which together with proceeds from a user donation box should cover maintenance and operation of the station.”
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. “Plans are under way for another potluck dinner aimed at community-building in Yellow Springs. The goal is to bring people together who would not normally socialize with each other, helping to encourage a sense of community among local residents … call Joan Chappelle … or Elaine Comegys.”
35 years ago: 1989
Wild animals. ”It’s often a stray dog or cat that Village residents see running through their yards. Sunday afternoon it was a deer, crashing and leaping wildly down the streets and through the yards in the center of town.”
Clean-up week. “It seems Laurel Paster got her lawn mower out and prepared to mow her lawn. She left the mower momentarily in front of her house — and a Clean-up scavenger, driving by and thinking it had been left out for the Village to haul away, saved the Village the trouble. … The police discovered a witness to the mix-up who led them to the missing mower.”
50 years ago: 1974
Anthony becomes YSHS principal. “Joe Anthony was named Yellow Springs High School principal Monday night. He was awarded a two-year contract.”
Rickenbach named village manager. “[Bruce] Rickenbach, assistant to Village Manager Howard Kahoe since his senior year at Antioch College in 1969, attended the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate Center for Public Works, Engineering and Administration.”
Trash Festival. “If you are among the many whose brush didn’t get picked up during Saturday’s ‘Trash Festival,’ don’t despair; the chipper will get to you even though it may take several more days. A light-hearted parade of Village and volunteer trucks and people kicked off Saturday’s hours of work. Two truck-mounted bands — the Old Timers’ and Otrabanda — raised the parading workers’ spirits.”
75 years ago: 1949
May Queen and May pole. “A more-than-capacity crowd jammed Bryan High School Auditorium Saturday night to witness the crowning of the May Queen, the winding of the May Pole and an operetta presented by the children of the Dayton Street School.”
Theft. “Theft of four radios and an electric razor from Johnston’s Appliance Shop here about noon May 17 was made by members of a large Hamilton and Cincinnati gang, it became known Tuesday. Carroll Johnston, proprietor of the local business, and Police Chief Russell Bradley traveled to Hamilton and Cincinnati where police had apprehended a woman and one of the two men involved in the local case.”
Serling play airs. “Rod Serling’s original play, ‘The Scent of the Lilac,’ will be the Sunday presentation of the Antioch Radio Workshop. The broadcast is at 1:30 p.m. over the radio station WJEL, Springfield.”
Baptist Tea. “The public is invited to attend a tea Sunday, 3 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. The Church Helper Club is sponsor of the tea and proceeds will be used to repaint the picture behind the pulpit in the church.”
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