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Yellow Springs News Blogs

Ask a transperson | Reaching out

“Ask a Transperson” is an occasional blog written by News columnist Iden Crockett.  The blog is a space dedicated to answering your questions about what it means to be trans — from Crockett’s perspective.


Hello, my lovely “Ask a Transperson” readers. I wanted to take a  quick moment to thank everyone for their questions and for  participating in this discussion. The tone of debate in our country seems to lean ever further toward pettiness and argument. It is more  important than ever that we continue to lean in the opposite  direction and facilitate open, honest and respectful conversation.  

I am not embarrassed to tell you all that it is scary for me to  continue to be public and share my journey. But I feel it is vitally  important for me to continue to do exactly that. It is the scary times  that require courage. That seems obvious to say but a thing being  obvious does not make that thing any less difficult.  

I believe that all of us can learn to love, understand, admire and  celebrate all our own beautiful uniqueness. But that future cannot be  if we do not find the courage to reach out to each other. I am  committed to answering each and every one of the questions submitted to me fully and honestly. I am committed to reaching out.  Now I just need you to reach back to me with your questions.  

I realize that it can be just as fear-inducing to ask a question as it  can be to answer one. This blog is meant to be a space for that  coming together, a place to build understanding and dispel  ignorance. It is a place where you do not need to worry about being judged or feeling silly. That is why we are including the option to ask me questions privately, outside of the published blog at:  

If you have submitted a question asking for a private response and did not receive one, it is because you sent an anonymous message without a return email.  Please send your question to me directly and I will get right on it! 

Thank you all for your interest and support. I can’t wait to read your  questions and comments. I think we can come together to do  something important here and I am excited to be a part of it.

Click here to ask a question to be answered by Iden Crockett. All questions may be asked anonymously, and identities of those who ask questions will not be published by the News. In order to receive a private response to a question, include an email address in your submission via the above link, or email Crockett directly at 


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