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Miami Township

Miami Township Trustees settle first-of-year business

With deep snow on the ground throughout Miami Township that night, the Board of Trustees held its first meeting of the new year Monday, Jan. 6. At the forefront of the meeting’s agenda was the handling of first-of-year business, as follows:

• Trustee Chris Mucher was voted board chair, replacing previous chair, Trustee Don Hollister. Trustee Marilan Moir was voted vice-chair.

• The board voted to keep zoning fees for 2025 at the same rate as in 2024: $25 for general, agritourism and roadside work permits; and $100 for Board of Zoning Appeals applications.

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• A mileage rate of 67 cents per mile traveled outside the Township by employees was established.

• A meeting schedule for the year was established, as follows: the board meets on the first and third Mondays of each month. Meetings that fall on a holiday are moved to the Wednesday following the holiday. Special meetings will be posted to the Township’s website at and to the bulletin board at Miami Township Fire-Rescue 24 hours prior to the meeting time.

• The board moved to set contracts with Green Township for Clifton-Union Cemetery and with the Village of Clifton for snow removal and street repair as requested.

• The board moved to continue the appointments of several current Miami Township and Miami Township Fire-Rescue employees, including Fire Chief Dennis Powell, Sexton and Road Department Head Daniel Gochenour and Road Department employee Brandon Morris.

• The board voted to appoint Bryan Lucas as zoning administrator for 2025; to appoint Dale Amstutz to the Zoning Commission for a term to end Dec. 31, 2029; and to appoint Eli Hurwitz to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a term to end Dec. 31, 2029.

• The board voted to establish a pay schedule for full-time and part-time employees of the Township and Miami Township Fire-Rescue at the current rate.

• The board voted to reimburse employees not eligible to participate in the Township’s medical insurance plan for out-of-pocket expenses for medical insurance coverage.

• The board voted to employ attorneys Brosius, Johnson & Griggs LLC for the year 2025, with costs not to exceed $5,000 for the year without board approval.

• The board recommended the following appointments for 2025: Marilan Moir, Miami Valley Regional Planning Commision, YS Development Corporation, YS Schools Active Transportation Committee and Glen Forest Natural Burial Committee; Don Hollister, Clifton-Union Cemetery Board; Chris Mucher, Greene County Regional Planning Commission.

As newly voted chair of the board, Mucher stated his intent to “make a very slight change” to the way the board entertains comments from the public, aiming to institute a “more formal method.”

“Any member of the public who would like to speak should signal the chair of the board that they have that request, and the chair will recognize them,” he said.

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