Articles by YS News Staff :: Page 305
Betty Jane Demmy Shank
Betty Jane Demmy Shank passed away peacefully at home on Nov. 10, 2017, surrounded by her family.
Terri Ann Thompson
Longtime Yellow Springs resident Terri Ann Thompson, age 56, passed away Nov. 13, after battling a year-long illness.
Raven Murie memorial
A memorial for Raven Murie will be held in the form of an open house on Sunday, Nov. 26, 1–5 p.m., at 1041 E. Hyde Road.
Village Council Regular Meeting
Monday, November 20, 2017 at 6 p.m.
Esther Damaser
Esther Damaser — psychologist, wife, mother, grandmother, cancer warrior — died on Nov. 8, 2017, just shy of her 82nd birthday.
Your Village Needs You!
Human relations Commission
Public Meetings
Village of Yellow Springs
The Village of Yellow Springs Public Works Department crew will begin delivery of flour and sugar to local widows and widowers on Monday, November 20th and should complete deliveries by Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017.
John William Laurens
John William Laurens, 65, passed away peacefully on Saturday Nov. 11, 2017, at his Jamestown, Ohio, residence.
Donate to plastics drive
Form5 Prosthetics Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating eco-friendly plastic prosthetics devices, has begun at plastics drive at Antioch College
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