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Articles About Neighborhood block parties

  • Party on the pavement — Yellow Springs neighborhood block parties

    North High Street held a block party on Saturday, Sept. 10. Above, young residents from that and surrounding streets zipped along on scooters and such. (Photo by Lauren "Chuck" Shows)

    North High Street held a block party on Saturday, Sept. 10. Residents from that and surrounding streets came out to enjoy food, games and neighborly conversation.

  • Around the blocks

    Best to start them young! One of the youngest block party revelers — Juniper DeVore Leonard, almost 2 — enjoyed her moment in the sun, and on a blanket, at the Whiteman/Davis Triangle party on Sunday, Aug. 27. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    It’s block party season, and the photos are coming in…

  • Air play

    Neighborhood resident and former professional clown Joe Cimoch twisted long, skinny balloons into cats, dogs, hats and swords, to the delight of young and old. (Photos by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Balloon magic was a highlight of the second annual North High Street block party last Saturday.

  • A bit of summer street magic

    The annual Neighborhood Block Parties, sponsored by the Human Relations Commission, or HRC, will be held on Saturday or Sunday, August 18–19, in neighborhoods throughout the village. Shown above is last year’s Davis/Phillips/Whiteman streets party, with Stephanie Cooper sitting at the piano provided by local musician Mark DeLozier. (Submitted photo by Susan Gartner)

    Susan Gartner is one of several residents of the Davis/Whiteman/Phillips Street area who have made block parties a spirited annual event in their neighborhood.

  • Parties bond neighborhoods

    Kids and grown-ups alike appeared to enjoy themselves at one of last year’s 19 neighborhood block parties, sponsored by the Human Relations Commission. This year’s block parties take place the week-end of Aug. 19–21, with most on Sunday, Aug. 21, 5–8 p.m. Check the accompanying article for the list of the neighborhoods having parties, and if you wish to host one in your neighborhood, contact Joan Chappelle at 767-7056. (Submitted photo by Susan Gartner)

    Organizers of the annual neighborhood block parties want participants to have a good time. But beyond that, they aim to strengthen the ties between those who live close to each other in Yellow Springs.

  • Block parties next weekend

    Neighborhood block parties, sponsored by the Village Human Relations Commission, will take place next weekend, Aug. 19–21, with most taking place from 5–8 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 21. Many neighborhoods are already organized for parties, but some are not; interested villagers should contact Joan Chappelle at 767-7056.

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