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Articles About open house

  • Shear joy

    Tanya Maus, James Luckett and their young son, August, celebrated their new Home, Inc. home last Friday, with an open house that included a ribbon-cutting ceremony and potluck. (Submitted photo)

    Tanya Maus, James Luckett and their young son, August, celebrated their new Home, Inc. home last Friday, the 20th residence built or rehabbed by local affordable housing agency.

  • Village’s second passive house opens for one-day tour

    Greene Generation Building will open its second passive house in the village on Saturday, June 22, from 1 to 4 p.m.

  • Future first responders

    Kian and Neirin Barker learned all about firefighting at an open house for Miami Township Fire-Rescue last week. The Barkers were among the villagers who took a ride in a fire truck, explored the inside of an ambulance and watched a firefighter don the department’s heavy gear. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Kian and Neirin Barker were among the villagers who attended the MTFR open house last week.

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