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Articles About Yellow Springs Book Fair

  • Book Fair returns Saturday, Aug. 17

    The 39th annual Yellow Springs Book Fair will be held Saturday, Aug. 17, 8 a.m.–4 p.m., on the grounds of Mills Lawn.

  • Perusing pages

    Ember McDonald of Yellow Springs browsed through used books and CDs at the 38th annual YS Book Fair, held last weekend at Mills Lawn. (Photo by Carla Steiger)

    Ember McDonald of Yellow Springs at the 38th annual YS Book Fair.

  • 38th annual YS Book Fair slated

    A great display of books, old and new, at the corner of Walnut and Elm streets. (submitted photo by Kate Mooneyham)

    The 38th annual Yellow Springs Book Fair will be held Saturday, Aug. 18, 8 a.m.–4 p.m, at Mills Lawn.

  • Book bound

    Over 1,000 people streamed onto the Mills Lawn School front lawn Saturday, Aug. 20, to peruse the printwares of dozens of booksellers. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    Over 1,000 people streamed onto the Mills Lawn School front lawn Saturday, Aug. 20 for the annual Book Fair, According to Kate Mooneyham, manager of Dark Star Books, which organizes the event.

  • Local author signs books at Saturday’s Book Fair

    Scarlett Rains will sign her new book this Sat., Aug. 20, at the Book Fair at Mills Lawn. (Submitted photo)

    Local author Scarlett Rains will sign her first two books at this Saturday’s Book Fair on the lawn at Mills Lawn School. Both books are historical romances that take place in 18th century England.

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