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Articles About Center for the Arts

  • A nonprofit, Little Art lives on

    Zack McGhee loves the Little Art Theatre. He first started coming here for the indie circuit as a teenager from Fairborn and then in 2006 became a projectionist to get paid for one of his favorite pastimes. He is proud to have brought his Republican parents here to see films such as Michael Moore’s Bowling […]

  • Flexibility is key for new arts center

    For theater professionals, the most important attribute of a new arts center facility would be flexibility, meaning that a ground floor performance space that could seat up to 300 could transform into an intimate, experimental stage with seating for 30.

  • Arts event seeks feedback

    While arts in the village can seem vital and ever-present, from features in the News to galleries and shows around town, according to Yellow Springs Arts Council members, there is significant work to be done.

  • Outdoor sculpture contest winners — Public art to go public in October

    Most art is meant to be viewed by the public, but not all art takes up permanent residence in the public sphere in the way the three pieces that won the village’s first public sculpture contest are about to do. But come Street Fair time in early October, three public spaces in the village will display Beth Holyoke’s three-dimensional yellow mosaic of the word “springs,” Olga Ziemska’s sculpture of the hands of villagers cast in white in the image of a bird in flight, and Migiwa Orimo’s old-style telephone booth that beckons villagers to come inside and create their own experimental artworks.

  • Arts center site unveiled

    At the May 18 Village Council meeting, the Yellow Springs Center for the Arts Steering Committee announced a proposed location for a new performing arts facility. “This is an important step toward a vision of Yellow Springs as a center for the arts,” said Jerome Borchers, chair of the committee, who made the announcement.

  • Local economic development efforts—Focus is arts, tourism, commerce park

    On Monday, May 4, Village Council will continue a conversation it began in early April on how best to move forward with economic development. One of Council’s six 2009 Village goals is to “establish a plan that improves the economic condition of the community.”

  • Arts Council springs ahead

    With the first toll of spring, the village will be transformed into an organized arts and culture hop as the Yellow Springs Arts Council jump-starts another year of seasonal programming.

  • Center for arts strides ahead

    The many hands involved in the effort to build a Yellow Springs Center for the Arts have been busy lately and are preparing to roll out a string of announcements about their plans to dust off and shine up the arts efforts in the village.

  • New space first step in arts plan

    The Yellow Springs Arts Council found its first home this spring in a one-room perch over Design Sleep at 108 Dayton Street, a space provided by funds from the Yellow Springs Center for the Arts Steering Committee.

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