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Articles About Feminist Health Fund

  • Feminist Health Fund receives large donation

    Last week, members of the nonprofit Feminist Health Fund met with members of the giving group 100 Women Making a Difference in Greene County, to accept a large donation of $12,600.

  • Feminist Health Fund seeks donations

    For more than 40 years, the village-based nonprofit Feminist Health Fund has helped women around Greene County pay for a variety of health-related costs, funding everything from prescriptions to operations.

  • A day for community giving

    After collecting $75,000 in a single day last November, an effort to raise money for local nonprofit groups is returning to the village for a second year this holiday season.

  • Women help women, quietly

    Founded in 1980, the Feminist Health Fund raises money from the community and disperses it to needy women suffering from a catastrophic illness. Current board members are, clockwise from front, Esther Hetzler, Kathy Robertson, Sue Parker, Janet Ward, Joyce Morrissey, Denise Cupps and Marianne Whelchel. Not pictured is Elizabeth Danowski. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    When Moya Shea received an unexpected medical bill from a clinic a few years ago for a procedure she thought was covered by insurance, she was startled. Quite ill at the time, she turned to a local group for help.

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