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Articles About Ohio Humanities

  • History resounds in Clifton chautauqua

    The Ohio Chautauqua comes to Clifton June 30–July 4, with both daytime and evening workshops and performances. Historic performances will be given by, clockwise from left, Hank Fincken as gold seeker J.G. Bruff, Marvin Jefferson as Martin Luther King, Jr., Kevin Radaker as Henry David Thoreau, Dianne Moran as Indian captive Olive Ann Oatman and Debra Conner as Titanic survivor Edith Russell. (Submitted photo by Dented Lens Photography)

    The Ohio Chautauqua stops for a week in each of four cities through July 11, including Chillicothe, Akron, Clifton and Coshocton.

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