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Articles About recreational youth soccer

  • Just for kicks

    Yellow Springs Rec Soccer players include, from left: Ezra Lydy, Tome Rios, Oskar Dennis, James White, Chris Goebel (Photos by Kathleen Galarza)

    Yellow Springs Rec Soccer Leagues are in full swing.

  • Sports Announcements

    Zach McHugh and Lois Miller won this year’s 26th Annual Village Fun Run. McHugh, a Yellow Springs High School junior, beat a hasty path around the Yellow Springs course to improve from a third-place finish in 2009 to win the event in 11:21. Team Captains Mitchell Brickson and Gabe Amrhein placed second and third overall.

  • Sports Announcements

    Registration for the Yellow Springs youth recreational soccer leagues will be held at the Morgan Building fields on Saturday, Aug. 28, beginning at 10:30 a.m. A skills clinic and evaluation will follow at 11 a.m. All first- through eighth-grade boys and girls interested in playing should attend.

  • Sports Announcements

    for the week of August 12–19

  • Soccer to resume

    The spring season of recreational soccer will resume the week ending Saturday, April 10. Team rosters and coaches continue playing together as organized in the fall. Games for Bronze Cup, grades 1–3, and Silver Cup, grades 4–5, are scheduled for Saturday mornings.

  • Recreational youth basketball to start

    Recreational youth basketball for girls and boys takes place Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Bryan Community Center gym. Parents and guardians must complete a registration form at their child’s first attendance. Older players (grades five and six) should come ready to play from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and younger players (grades […]

  • Youth soccer begins

    Registration for Yellow Springs Youth Recreational Soccer League begins Saturday, Aug. 29, 10:30–11:45 a.m. at the newly renovated Morgan Fields north of the Yellow Springs High School football stadium. Players and their parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to attend. Participants who are unable to attend are asked to call the coordinator for the appropriate age group listed below for registration forms.

  • Soccer notices

    The annual Yellow Springs High School girls and boys alumni soccer game will be played Friday, Aug. 21, at the high school game field. The girls will play first at 5:30 p.m., followed by the boys at 7:30 p.m.

  • Youth recreational spring soccer leagues to begin

    The spring season of Yellow Springs Youth Recreational Soccer will resume the week ending Saturday, April 11. Leagues will be organized as follows: Copper Cup (ages preschool–kindergarten), Bronze Cup (first–third grades), and Silver Cup (fourth and fifth grades), which will all play Saturday mornings at Gaunt Park.

  • Youth recreational spring soccer leagues to begin

    The spring season of Yellow Springs Youth Recreational Soccer will resume the week ending Saturday, April 11. Leagues will be organized as follows: Copper Cup (ages preschool–kindergarten), Bronze Cup (first–third grades) and Silver Cup (fourth and fifth grades), which will all play Saturday mornings at Gaunt Park.

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