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Articles About Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport

  • Aerolieff Aviation takes flight over Yellow Springs

    One of just a handful of flight-training companies in the Dayton regional area, and headquartered five miles north of Yellow Springs, Aerolieff offers instruction for wannabe pilots with aspirations of all kinds: private flying, commercial careers, military ambitions and more.

  • By bi-plane

    Yellow Springs News freelance photographer Luciana Lieff caught a ride on a biplane at the Springfield Barnstorming Carnival, and risked life and limb — or at least camera — to capture this aerial view of the village. (Photo by Luciana Lieff)

    Yellow Springs News freelance photographer Luciana Lieff went to great heights to get this photo.

  • Villagers question rise in airport noise

    The “deafening” and “brain rattling” sensation of an F-16 jet veering near town on a training mission is, some villagers say, an “assault on the nervous system”— an inescapable sensation that “penetrates the body” and sometimes rattles windows.

    Other villagers find the occasional low flyover to be a mere annoyance, or even a curiosity to count with the kids.

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