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Articles About The Yellow Springs Community Foundation

  • The Yellow Springs Community Foundation’s half-century of giving and grants

    This year, the Yellow Springs Community Foundation turns 50 and celebrates its homegrown legacy of supporting the village’s 100-plus nonprofits, spearheading social justice initiatives, bolstering the arts, providing economic relief and, of course, funding good ideas.

  • Village Council settles first-of-year business

    At the group’s first meeting of the year, on Tuesday, Jan. 2, Village Council took their seats with new membership.

  • Advance care planning resources

    The YSSC and the YSCF have compiled a list of resources and organizations that facilitate advance care and end of life planning.

  • About the Lauren Heaton Scholarship Fund for Aspiring Journalists

    In memory of native villager and longtime Yellow Springs News reporter Lauren Heaton, the Yellow Springs News has established a fund for an annual journalism scholarship.

  • Encore Fellows spark collaboration

    The Yellow Springs Community Foundation recently launched the Encore Miller Fellowship, through which local retirees and “late-career” villagers mentor Antioch College Miller Fellows and support collaboration among local nonprofits. Jeannamarie Cox, executive director of the Community Foundation (center), met recently with the first group of Encore Fellows, at left, Jalyn Roe and Kat Walter, and, to her right, Melissa Heston and Len Kramer. Not pictured is Scott Geisel. (Submitted photo)

    When Nolan and Dick Miller bequeathed $3.6 million to the Yellow Springs Community Foundation, they wanted the funds to go to Antioch College students who would serve the local community. Now, the Millers’ intentions are being revisited in a planned expansion of the program.

  • Baker inducted into Women’s Hall of Fame — Publisher, music-lover, volunteer

    Jane Baker is being inducted into the Greene County Women’s Hall of Fame, with a reception for its 2018 honorees slated this month. She recently showed off some of the books she designed in her home office on Phillips Street. Baker is a local book publisher, editor and designer and has been a dedicated volunteer to many local nonprofit organizations, including Chamber Music in Yellow Springs, which she cofounded. (Photo by Carla Steiger)

    A gentle smile played across the face of Jane Baker when she confessed to being surprised by her nomination for inclusion in the Greene County Women’s Hall of Fame.

  • Two conferences’ ‘down to earth’ topics

    Tecumseh Land Trust and the Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions are hosting back-to-back conferences on land conservation and regenerative agriculture, Thursday–Friday, March 8–9, at McGregor Hall, Antioch College. The conferences are the latest partnership undertaken between TLT and Community Solutions, led respectively by Krista Magaw, left, and Susan Jennings. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Liken them to lichen. Two local nonprofits, akin to how algae and fungi form that symbiotic organism, are working in mutually beneficial ways to transform the local food and farming scene.

  • A day for community giving

    #YSGivingTuesday committee members, from left, Kathryn Hitchcock, Jeannamarie Cox, Dawn Boyer and Ara Beal, are preparing for the village’s second year participating in the charitable giving campaign that falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. While the initiative is focused on online giving, the local effort also will accept in-person donations from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the Yellow Springs Senior Center. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    After collecting $75,000 in a single day last November, an effort to raise money for local nonprofit groups is returning to the village for a second year this holiday season.

  • A day for community giving

    After collecting $75,000 in a single day last November, an effort to raise money for local nonprofit groups is returning to the village for a second year this holiday season.

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