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Articles About U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

  • Street Fair to return Saturday, new focus on waste reduction

    YS Street Fair, 1979; (YS News Archive)

    Street Fair returns Saturday, June 8, in downtown Yellow Springs — this time, with a heightened focus on sustainability and waste reduction. The YS Chamber of Commerce announced this month that it had received a $43,600 Recycle Ohio grant from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

  • A win for quarry opponents

    “No Quarry” yard signs created by local citizens’ group, Citizens Against Mining, peppered yards along South Tecumseh Road near Greenon High School on a recent weekend. In July, the state of Ohio approved expanded limestone mining operations in Mad River Township, just north of Yellow Springs, intensifying oppposition from area residents. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    In December 2020, Citizens Against Mining celebrated another win — a private lawsuit settled in favor of five neighbors of the mine who successfully argued that Enon Sand and Gravel’s mining could damage their property values and private wells.

  • Scientist finds new ash borer host

    Wright State University Biology Professor Dr. Don Cipollini pointed out his groundbreaking discovery that the white fringe tree can be a host for the emerald ash borer. Cipollini was the first to publish research and convince the U.S. EPA to confirm the white fringe tree as the only other known host for the invasive beetle. Trees planted along the bike path and elsewhere in the village were instrumental to his discovery. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A local white fringe tree planted along the bike path is now famous as the second documented host of an invasive beetle that was thought to only prey upon ash trees.

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