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Articles About Village Mediation Program

  • John Gudgel creates community through listening, learning

    A stalwart face in the Yellow Springs district, Gudgel has served as a teacher, coach, principal and guidance counselor in his nearly 40-year career with the district beginning in 1979.

  • School facilities listening and board work session now community meeting

    YS Schools announced Monday, March 13, that the listening session/board work session scheduled for Thursday, March 16, has been canceled. In its stead, a community meeting about school facilities.

  • A new face for Village Mediation

    For over 30 years, the Village of Yellow Springs has prided itself on its Village Mediation Program, whose goal is helping residents of the village and Miami Township transform conflict into understanding. This year, the program will continue serving the community under new leadership.

  • Getting a handle on conflict

    This month, the Village Mediation Program — which has helped individuals and organizations navigate conflict for nearly 34 years — offers villagers the opportunity to learn more about the resources it offers.

  • 30 years in mediation

    Pictured at the ceremony celebrating 30 years of the Village Mediation Program are mediators John Gudgel, Janet Mueller, Bruce Heckman, Marianne MacQueen, Jalyn Roe, Len Kramer, Staffan Erickson and Jane Scott, with Mayor Foubert. (Submitted photo)

    Sept. 14 was proclaimed as Village Mediation Program Day by Mayor Dave Foubert, with a resolution passed by Village Council, in honor of the program

  • Celebrating 30 years of community mediation

    The Village Mediation Program is marking its 30th anniversary this month. Village Council passed a resolution Tuesday, Sept. 5, honoring the group’s three decades of service, and a public celebration will be held Thursday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m., at Antioch University Midwest. Pictured are some of the current team of village mediators. Clockwise from top left, are founding mediator Bruce Heckman, mediator Jalyn Roe, current program coordinator John Gudgel and mediator Janet Mueller. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    There’s really no knowing the extent to which Yellow Springs might be different if not for the existence of the Village Mediation Program.

  • Village Mediation mends village fences

    The Village Mediation Program was erected in the 1980s to bring interested parties together to talk out their differences.

  • Mediation program hopes to expand—A person-to-person peace

    When conflict arises in the village, one local organization stands ready to reconcile differences and make peace — the Village Mediation Program. For 21 years, the program’s trained volunteer facilitators have mediated crises free of charge between neighbors, families and businesses, saving villagers thousands of dollars in legal fees and the frustration of prolonged disputes.

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