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Articles About Village of Yellow Springs Public Schools Fund

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education | Facilities options narrow to six

    At a Wednesday, March 29 work session of the YS Board of Education, board members winnowed the number of plans for potential facilities upgrades under consideration from eight options to six.

  • New beginnings for YS schools

    The first day of classes for Yellow Springs Schools was Monday, Aug. 23. And while the start of a new academic year is typically cause for heightened emotion — whether excitement or dread — this new start contains more feeling than typical years past.

  • Longtime Mills Lawn teachers retire

    This is the second of two articles featuring teachers who have retired from the local school district this academic year.

  • School board— Facility visit prompts optimism

    The building structure of the Yellow Springs High School/McKinney Middle School facility appears to be in better condition than school district leaders feared, according to the initial feedback of two structural engineers who toured the school campus Wednesday, June 13.

  • School board seeks levy, tax increase for facilities improvements

    by Yellow Springs School Board The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously at its Dec. 14 meeting to seek a May 2018 levy for a proposed $18.5 million rebuild/renovation of McKinney Middle/YSHS. Pictured here is a concept design, prepared by Ruetschle Architects and presented at the meeting, showing the buildings targeted for demolition, as well as those where renovations only are planned. (Rendering submitted)

    The Yellow Springs school board voted unanimously Thursday, Dec. 14, to seek  $18.5 million for the “renovation and partial replacement of existing 7–12 facilities” through a combination income tax and bond levy request to be put on the May 8, 2018, ballot.

  • Yellow Springs schools eye hiring fundraiser

    Yellow Springs schools are considering increasing expenditures next year for a new full-time employee to help raise private funds for the district.

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