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Articles About Wright State CUPA

  • 2012 Cost of Living update—The village by the numbers

    The 2012 Yellow Springs Cost of Living Report was completed this spring by Wright State University’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs (CUPA) and paid for by the James A. McKee Association.

  • With assistance, business can thrive in Yellow Springs

    According to the most recent business survey update sponsored by Yellow Springs Community Resources, the village is a pretty good place to do business. Business owners like the village’s location, personality and walkability, and even in a slumped economy, a number of local outfits plan to expand here. But business owners also perceive barriers to growth, including the cost of doing business in the village, the lackluster appearance of the central business district and the age-old concern with lack of parking space downtown.

  • Survey highlights concerns of special needs parents

    Most parents of special needs children in the Yellow Springs school system are satisfied with their children’s program. However, the level of satisfaction drops considerably when the child moves from Mills Lawn to the middle school and high school, where a lack of communication between parents and teachers, and teachers with each other, are perceived areas of discontent.

  • Board of education — School collaboration sought

    At the June 11 Yellow Springs Board of Education regular meeting, board member Richard Lapedes announced the beginnings of a new pilot program to encourage collaborative inter-district programming throughout Greene County, spearheaded by Governor Strickland and Jane Dockery of Wright State’s Center for Urban and Public Affairs (CUPA).

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