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Articles About Yellow Springs Community Foundation :: Page 3

  • ‘Godzilla’ takes to the stage with a comic twist

    The cast and crew of GODZILLA!, an original musical parody written by Yellow Springs native Corrie Van Ausdal, rehearsed last weekend at the Glen Helen Auditorium. The show, produced by YSKP, opens in the auditorium on Friday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m. and continues Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. and on the following weekend, Friday, Feb. 14, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 15, with performances at 7 and 10 p.m. From left are musical director Xavier Suarez, actors Blaize Wright, Bear Wright, Sumayah Chappelle, Duard Headley and Jeremiah Scott, stage manager Amy Cunningham, writer/director Van Ausdal, assistant director Hannah Craig and choreographer Jill Becker. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A 500-foot fire-breathing monster rises from the sea and tromps around with no regard for human life.
    That’s the gist the plot of an upcoming local production, only this time, GODZILLA! is a clever comedy with pop music.

  • Leading Yellow Springs Schools a delicate balance

    Maintaining a leadership team in the Yellow Springs Schools that always agrees is seldom possible; the schools struggle at times to balance the shared authority granted by the state to both the local school board and the school administration.

  • The new Little Art Theatre takes a bow

    Little Art Theatre Executive Director Jenny Cowperthwaite welcomes theatergoers into the new lobby of the renovated theater, which will be open to the community during an open house from 3 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28. During the first complete renovation in the Little Art’s 84-year history, the theater was closed for the last five months and upgraded with a digital projector and surround-sound system, new cushioned seats, handicapped-accessible bathrooms and a spacious lobby, among other changes. After the open house, the theater begins a 12-day “Back to the Movies” film festival. Regular programming resumes on Friday, Oct. 11. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    This has been a “repair to remember” for the Little Art Theatre. Over the last five months, a half-million dollar renovation has transformed the 84-year-old theater from a relic of the 35-millimeter film era to a state-of-the-art, fully-digital and accessible movie house.

  • Antioch College begins renovation to theater and gym

    Last week about 100 Antioch College alumni returned to campus to engage in the ongoing work, both creative and backbreaking, of rebuilding their school.

  • Miller grants earmarked for town/gown

    A love for Antioch College and Yellow Springs led longtime village residents Nolan and Richard Miller to leave a legacy that benefits both.

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