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Articles About Yellow Springs Home Inc :: Page 5

  • Shear joy

    Tanya Maus, James Luckett and their young son, August, celebrated their new Home, Inc. home last Friday, with an open house that included a ribbon-cutting ceremony and potluck. (Submitted photo)

    Tanya Maus, James Luckett and their young son, August, celebrated their new Home, Inc. home last Friday, the 20th residence built or rehabbed by local affordable housing agency.

  • Building for resiliency, community in Yellow Springs

    Local residential designer Alex Melamed, above, who designed both a passive house and a tiny house on his Walnut Street lot, will be one of eight speakers at “8x8 on Building Resiliency,” this Saturday, Feb. 20, at 1 p.m. at the Antioch College arts and science building, room 219, part of a weekend of events aimed at enhancing resiliency of local buildings. The event will be followed by a documentary on the “New Pedestrianism” on Sunday, Feb. 21, at 1 p.m. at the Little Art and a home energy saving demonstration at 3 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Library. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    How exactly do you make your home more energy efficient? Are there inexpensive ways to do so? What does it mean to live in a tiny house?

  • A ‘C-Street’ home of their own

    New first-time homebuyer Julie McCowan, holding her grandson, Dylann, in front of the Cemetery Street home she recently purchased through Home, Inc. for her four-person family (plus frequent visits from “little ones” like Dylann, she said). Villagers wishing to celebrate with McCowan and her family and learn more about Home, Inc.’s Cemetery Street development are invited to an open house at 138 Cemetery St. on Friday, Jan. 29, from 5 to 7 p.m. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Villager Julie McCowan recently bought her first pieces of art, including photographs of the Glen and a cheetah print she found downtown. “I can’t wait to put them up,” she said last week.

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