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Articles About Yellow Springs School Board :: Page 11

  • Leading Yellow Springs Schools a delicate balance

    Maintaining a leadership team in the Yellow Springs Schools that always agrees is seldom possible; the schools struggle at times to balance the shared authority granted by the state to both the local school board and the school administration.

  • School salaries on the rise

    At its meeting on Sept. 12 the Yellow Springs school board approved new contracts for district Superintendent Mario Basora and Treasurer Dawn Weller.

  • Divisions over contracts — Yellow Springs School board admonished

    After a tense school board meeting on Saturday, Aug. 3, called on Friday to resume a discussion that had been tabled at the previous Thursday’s meeting, the board voted unanimously to approve new contracts with raises for five of the district’s principals and program directors.

  • More candidates vie for offices

    With just under two weeks left to file petitions to run for local office, the races for Village Council, school board and Township Trustees are becoming more robust, according to the Greene County Board of Elections this week.

  • Candidates seek local office

    With just under a month left for candidates to file for openings in the local elections in November, a handful of new candidates as well as incumbents have indicated interest in helping to govern Village Council, Yellow Springs school board and the Miami Township Trustees.

  • High school moves to block schedule

    When McKinney Middle and Yellow Springs High School start up again in the fall, students will be piloting a new hybrid block schedule for their classes.

  • School board opposes HB 136

    School board approves resolution opposing the use of public funds for private schools.

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