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Articles About Yellow Springs School Board :: Page 9

  • Village school funding gets a face

    Dawn Boyer was hired as director of advancement and community relations for the Yellow Springs Schools, a newly created position designed to raise funds. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    The Yellow Springs school district welcomed more than just students this year. Part of the incoming class is Dawn Boyer, who was hired as the district’s director of advancement and community relations.

  • Ten new hires for Yellow Springs schools

    The Yellow Springs School District welcomed 10 new hires, including elementary, middle and high school teachers and staff, as well as a new administrative position created this school year.

  • June 9 Yellow Springs School Board— School leaders travel to High Tech High

    While school may be out for students, teachers and administrators are hard at work preparing for a successful 2016–2017 school year. In recent weeks district personnel visited High Tech High in San Diego.

  • May 12 school board meeting— School fiscal future looks brighter

    As the 2015–16 school year drew to a close this month, the Yellow Springs Board of Education conducted its last meeting of the school year Thursday evening, May 12, by looking back at staff and student accomplishments and looking ahead toward projected financial expectations.

  • PBL training center debuts in Yellow Springs schools

    At the May 12 school board meeting, the goal of creating a PBL training center became reality, with unanimous board approval of the YS Deeper Learning Training Center.

  • School Board: Yellow Springs teachers coach PBL

    Yellow Springs Schools superintendent Mario Basora recently reported that five project-based learning, or PBL, coaches and two administrators traveled to Nashville for a PBL coach training seminar.

  • Teacher resigns after investigation

    Following an internal school district investigation, longtime Yellow Springs teacher Shawn Jackson resigned his position recently.

  • Feds deny testing waiver for Yellow Springs schools

    After months of delay, Ohio’s testing waiver application got turned down by the federal department of education recently, but the consortium of schools requesting the waiver — including Yellow Springs schools — is continuing the fight for fewer mandated state and federal tests and more forms of alternative assessment.

  • 2015 election results

    2015 Election results, by precinct

  • School board— District fundraiser job considered

    For the first time since devising the 2020 Strategic Plan five years ago, Yellow Springs school board members agreed to explore the possibility of using public funds to hire a professional fundraiser for the school district.

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